For more than a century, Keller Auditorium has played an essential role in Portland’s arts community. The Keller is home to the Portland Opera and the Oregon Ballet Theater—and is the only performance space in the greater Portland area capable of hosting large-scale theatrical performances like touring Broadway shows.
However, as with most buildings of its age, the Keller was not built to withstand a major earthquake, and its guest amenities, backstage facilities and mechanical and production systems are outdated, creating many operational, production and longevity challenges.
So what’s next?
Three exciting possibilities are taking shape, including renovating the existing building, or building a new performing arts venue at Lloyd Center or Portland State University.
Tune in on Wednesday, May 29 at 2:00 p.m. to watch the three design concepts being presented to City Council for the first time.
This Council item will be introduced by Mayor Wheeler, and the agenda with design concepts will be posted on on Friday morning, May 24. There, you can sign up with the Clerk to testify, either in person or on Zoom.
To learn more, visit