Alumni Spotlight Introducing...
Lauren Keyson
’81 B.A. Political Science
Founder & Publisher Disruptive Technologists, Inc.
What was your undergraduate life like at Cal? Super hard. I worked a lot of jobs to get through school on my own. I had a car accident that left me impaired. That was a struggle, but my degree from Berkeley meant everything and has been with me my entire life. This is what got me recruited to Wall Street in Manhattan in 1998.
What advice would you give your undergraduate self? Use college resources. Don’t “go at it alone.” — get an advisor, find financial help. Join clubs.
Sudarshan Gopal ’21, Niky Arora ’21, Marisa Li ’18, Lauren Keyson ’81, CAA Director, Susie Crumpler and Demetrois Boutris ’83 (left to right) in Times Square CAA Yield Event
to encourage newly accepted Cal students to attend Cal.
What life lessons did you learn at Cal that still impact your daily life? Friendships are super important. But learning is equally important. Seek both friends & knowledge— research and remember.
What are some current projects you are working on?