TO: Class of 2020
FROM: Grafton Nunes
RE: Update on Commencement 2020
We know how much commencement means to our entire community, and we are pleased to announce more details on how we plan to recognize the accomplishments of the Class of 2020 through a virtual ceremony. The Commencement Committee has surveyed the senior class and met with representatives on what they would like to see in the virtual ceremony. Below are some outcomes from these conversations.

CIA students, faculty, staff, parents and friends are invited to tune into the virtual ceremony on Friday, May 15 at The pre-recorded broadcast will premiere at 11am EDT. Students will hear from CIA President + CEO Grafton Nunes, Vice President of Academic Affairs + CAO Kathryn Heidemann, commencement speaker Brian Peterson ’09 and a student speaker who has yet to be named. 

Students will receive individual name recognition read by their respective major chairs followed by the conferral of degrees by President Nunes. The name as written on the graduation application is the name that will be used in the ceremony. As in previous years when your name is read, we plan on showing an image of your choosing. If you want to participate please upload your image here. This is due Monday, May 4 at 11:59pm EDT. 

CIA created #CIAgrad2020 so seniors from all over can post videos and photos of themselves and family on social media while watching the virtual commencement. We will also include a slideshow of the class of 2020. To participate, please upload 5 of your favorite images or a short video here, the same destination to submit your commencement image. These are also due Monday, May 4 at 11:59pm EDT.

Students will soon receive a commencement package containing personalized commencement announcements, cap, gown, tassel and a few surprises. 

Degree candidates must meet the following obligations for graduation before diplomas and final transcripts will be issued:  
  • Return all items that have been borrowed from the library, Equipment Checkout and major departments. More information on this process will arrive in an email from the Office Academic Affairs.
  • Resolve any financial obligations. Contact the Business Affairs Office for details.
  • Complete the federally required Financial Aid Exit Counseling. More information on this process will arrive from the Financial Aid Office.
Once these obligations have been met, graduates will receive a second package containing their diplomas and Commencement programs (mailed in early summer). Transcripts that show completion of BFA degrees will become available upon meeting the above criteria. If you need to confirm or update your mailing address provided in early April, please reach out to the Registrar’s Office at

The class of 2020 will be invited back to campus for in-person events when it is deemed safe to do so. We all look forward to that time. Until then, we anticipate celebrating with you at CIA’s virtual Commencement! 
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