Dear First-Year Student,
During the summer, you were notified that Tufts requires all first-year students to complete an asynchronous, interactive 5-module version of the mandatory Discrimination and Harassment prevention training for incoming undergraduate students. This training is provided by the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) and it covers the University's Non-Discrimination Policy, Sexual Misconduct Policy, affirmative consent, and Tufts' expectations of all AS&E and SMFA undergraduates. This training was also listed in your enrollment checklist requirements for Fall 2024.
You were invited to the Canvas course on July 8th and required to complete the modules and quizzes by end-of-day on Monday, August 19. Because some students were experiencing technical difficulties on CANVAS, the OEO offered an extension to complete this training by August 27. You were notified of the extension and were also included in the reminders when one week and three days left before these deadlines.
Our records show that you have not yet completed this mandatory training on CANVAS. As a result, an enrollment hold has been placed on your registration for Spring 2025. The enrollment hold will be lifted within 2 business days after you complete the training, allowing you to register for your chosen Spring courses.
OEO has extended your access to the training on CANVAS between Monday, October 28 and Monday, November 11. An invitation to complete this training will be sent from CANVAS to your Tufts email soon. We encourage you to complete it as soon as possible, so that we can lift the hold on your registration and ensure that you will be able to register for classes without any delay.
If you have any questions about this training or have trouble with the process, please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity at