Dear Alumni,

Alumni Mentors Help Fast-Track Students to Success at the Inaugural Summer Speed Networking Reception 

Schulich Alumni mentors and student mentees gathered on campus on August 15th for the inaugural Summer Speed Networking Reception. This special edition of our popular program was the first to be held outside of the academic year and the first to be held on campus. 
Offering early networking and learning opportunities for our students is a great way to give them a head start on their personal and professional development. This fast-track to success is invaluable to our student mentees so thank you to our 50+ alumni mentors who made the trek back to campus to participate in this dynamic event.
The mentorship program continues to evolve and grow and we look forward to another year of mentoring relationships, coffee chats, and speed networking with our incredible host of talented alumni mentors!

Alumni Spotlight

Canadian Designer Bojana Sentaler (BBA '06) Goes Global After Meghan and Kate Made Her Coats Famous

A success story that involves following your passion, recognizing a problem and finding the perfect solution. With Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle publicly appearing in SENTALER coats, Schulich alumna, Bojana Sentaler (BBA '06), now looks to continue expanding her brand globally.

Schulich Entrepreneur, Mike Smith (MBA/JD '11),
Switches Career Gears

Five years ago, Mike Smith (MBA/JD ’11) decided to turn down a job offer with Stikeman Elliott LLP, an international corporate law firm, to be an entrepreneur. With the help of his friend, they launched a small bicycle company called, No. 22.

Upcoming Events

MONTREAL – SRPAA Presents Le Grand Weekend 
September 14 & 15, 2018
Get Your Early Bird Ticket!

Conference, Reception, Tour, Gala Dinner
Location: Downtown Montréal
MONTREAL – Alumni Cocktail Reception with Dean Horváth 
September 17, 2018 at 6:00 pm
Hotel Nelligan
106, rue St-Paul West
Montréal, QC H2Y 1Z3
TORONTO – KSWomen: Steal the Spotlight
September 20, 2018 at 6:00 pm 

Miles S. Nadal Management Centre
222 Bay Street, Suite 500
TORONTO – Schulich Finance Alumni Social
September 21, 2018 at 6:00 pm 

The Office Pub
117 John Street
TORONTO – BBA Class of 1998: 20 Year Reunion
September 22, 2018 at 7:30 pm 

TORONTO – Health Alumni Association Speaker Presentation
October 1, 2018 at 6:00 pm

Miles S. Nadal Campus
222 Bay Street, 5th Floor
TD Centre
TORONTO – Kellogg Schulich EMBA 5th Anniversary Gala
October 11, 2018 at 6:00 pm
Get your Early Bird Ticket!

Four Seasons Hotel
60 Yorkville Ave
Open to EMBA Alumni Only
TORONTO – MBA/IMBA 2003 15th Year Reunion
October 12, 2018 at 6:00 pm
Schulich School of Business
Tuchner's Pub
4700 Keele Street
TORONTO – EY/Schulich Alumni Open House
October 17, 2018 at 5:30 pm
EY Tower, 100 Adelaide St. W
40th Floor, Wellington Room
For Schulich alumni who are current EY employees only.
TORONTO – Perspectives Lecture
October 30, 2018 - Save the Date!

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel
181 Wellington Street West
TORONTO – Schulich Startup Night
November 8, 2018 - Save the Date!

Schulich School of Business
Robert R. McEwen Auditorium

111 Ian MacDonald Blvd.

North York

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Alumni Events
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Nominate a Candidate for the Schulich ARAs
Nominate an outstanding Schulich grad for the Schulich Alumni Recognition Award (ARA).

Alumni Community Updates

Only three weeks left to submit your

Time Capsule message!

Sean Siddik (MBA '03) and Lily Wong (MBA '10) submitted "Welcome to Canada's universal business school!" 
Schulich School of Business is undertaking one of the biggest transformations yet and you can be a part of the legacy. We want to capture OUR story with a time capsule that will be sealed in the new Rob and Cheryl McEwen Graduate Study & Research Building.
Alumni are invited to submit their message to give the community of 2068 a sense of what life was like in 2018.
Share your best memories and hopes for the future with the Schulich community. This is your chance to be a part of sharing the Schulich story.
The time capsule is sealed on September 30, 2018.

Schulich Startups Newsletter

Calling all entrepreneurial Schulich Alumni! Schulich Startups is excited to announce the launch of their brand new Schulich Startups Newsletter. By subscribing, you will receive regular newsletters highlighting upcoming events, company updates, student/alumni founder profiles, and resource tips.

Get Connected with

Get connected with your alumni network and learn about opportunities, events and Schulich alumni exclusives by logging in to, your online community.
  • Post and apply for jobs
  • Register for alumni events
  • Connect with your local alumni chapter
  • Volunteer to mentor a student and so much more is the home of your Global Alumni Network, be a part of it!

Schulich Highlights

UAE Alumni Social

Schulich Alumni in the United Arab Emirates gathered on August 1st to reconnect and strengthen their local alumni chapter. Thank you to Chapter President, Wissam Ayoub (MBA '06) for organizing this get together.

Vancouver Alumni Social

On August 2nd, Schulich Alumni in the Vancouver area gathered for a summer social at Joey Bentall One. Thank you to Snow Zhao (iBBA '15) and Greg Coutts (MBA '83), Vancouver Chapter Co-Presidents, for organizing this social. 

Mining Alumni Social

On August 8th, our Mining Alumni Association Co-Chapter Presidents, Jeff de Sousa (MBA '14) and Kyle Franklin (MBA '13) organized a fun summer social for all our mining alumni at Jack Astor's. Thank you to special guests Richard Ross, Inmet Chair in Global Mining Management; Director, Global Mining Management, and Claudia Mueller, Associate Director, Global Mining Management, for joining us. 

Health Alumni Social

On August 30th, Schulich Alumni in the Health Industry gathered downtown for a summer social. This fun and relaxed evening was a great opportunity for alumni to meet the new Health Alumni Association chapter Co-Presidents, Melissa Kaan (MBA '10) and Yuting Chu (MBA '17).  A special thanks to Adeline Koh (MBA '18) for her help in organizing this event and Professor Joe Mapa for joining us and sharing the latest on the Health Industry Management Program (HIMP).

Schulich Photos

Schulich MBA Case Team Alumni had their 3rd annual reunion in August with case coach, Joe Fayt.
Professor Charles Cho was featured in the Centre for Business, Organizations & Society's Twitter series Research in the Spotlight
Professor Dirk Matten awarded "Paper of the Decade" by the Academy of Management Review for Implicit/Explicit CSR with Jeremy Moon

Schulich in the News

Schulich Executive Education Centre (SEEC)

Propel Your Management Career Into New Leadership Roles
The Schulich Executive Education Centre’s Mini-MBA program includes more than a dozen subject areas taught at the MBA level – and its popularity is growing rapidly with classes now scheduled for the Fall, Winter and Spring sessions.
Study over a dozen of the top MBA course subjects, taught by the same faculty who teach in the MBA and EMBA programs. You will be trained to ask tough questions, think critically, and make informed and timely decisions. Plus, a great course feature – our “Mini-MBA” team project – a condensed version of the very project all Schulich MBAs complete in order to graduate.
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