Tufts Student Life
Academic flexibility for grieving students
October 21, 2021
Dear Student,
Faculty have been informed about the tragedy our community has experienced, are aware that many students are still in shock or grieving and have been asked to consider ways in which they can extend a certain amount of flexibility to students who are suffering right now. If you have been impacted by Madie Nicpon’s passing and are struggling to focus on your academic responsibilities, please let your professors know and explore with them how they can provide you with some flexibility.
Please also know that the full resources of Tufts University support services are available to you. Students can access assistance through the University Chaplaincy, Counseling and Mental Health Service (CMHS), and Dean of Student Affairs Office. CMHS counseling staff are available for walk in appointments all week between noon and 1:00 p.m. daily. If you or someone you know needs more immediate support, please reach out to either the Counselor-on-Call or the Dean-on-Call 24/7 by calling our after-hours message center at 617-627-3360. 
Carmen Lowe
Dean of Academic Advising and Undergraduate Studies
School of Arts and Sciences
Jennifer Stephan
Dean of Academic Advising and Undergraduate Studies
School of Engineering
Leah Gadd
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Advising
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