Vol. 6 | April 2018
Editor: Allison Hahn - Ag Business, Communications & Marketing
A message from the Director:
Greetings! I am happy to connect with you after Spring break. Everyone in the School of Agriculture had a great break and has returned with enough energy to finish out the last month of the spring semester.

There are multiple March highlights in the SOA. During March, the BILSA Dean, Dr. Weber, and myself paid a visit with the new DATCP Secretary of Agriculture, Sheila Harsdorf and Assistant Deputy Secretary, Keith Ripp, in Madison. We presented to them about our college and school activities, initiatives and discussed many things of mutual benefit.
Click for more about the Director’s Vision and Director’s message.


  7 - WBIA Bull Sale

15 - Show Pig Sale

24 - Ag Day on Campus

27-28 - Pioneer Showdown 

"If we estimate dignity by immediate usefulness, agriculture is undoubtedly the first and noblest science."
-Samuel Johnson
Pioneer Pride

Jessica Helwig.

Jessica was accepted for an internship at Cornell working to establish disease-tolerant varieties of zuchini, pumpkin, and peppers.

Eva Birtell.

Eva recently accepted the Plant Growth Research for Food Production Internship at the Kennedy Space Center.
Congratulations to both Jessica and Eva!
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