¡DALHE! - Duke Advancing Latiné/Hispanic Excellence
Dear ¡DALHE! members,  

New year, new opportunities for growth! January is Mentorship Month and we invite you to join us in recognizing the supportive influence of mentorship on both professional and personal growth.    

The Latiné/Hispanic population represents the fastest growing population demographic in North Carolina since the 1990s. As the share of Latiné/Hispanic professionals at Duke also continues to grow, so does the critical need for dedicated and meaningful mentorship and sponsorship (What is the difference? Learn more here).  
During the ¡DALHE! inaugural Somos Duke kickoff event, a few of our panelists had the following to share about their experience with mentorship.
Raphael Valdivia, Chair of the Department of Integrative Immunobiology 

Valdivia said he was able to overcome his imposter syndrome thanks to support from mentors who once told him, “Your problem is that I have way more faith in you than you do in yourself.” Valdivia added that he saw very few Latinos in faculty positions within the basic sciences when he started at Duke. He highlighted the importance of representation and having allies and advocates who will stand up for you behind the scenes without your ever knowing it.  
Maria Marquine, Associate Professor in the Division of Geriatrics 

Marquine shared that mentors had a major impact on her career path and are the reason she spends a significant part of her time mentoring others today. “I can’t stress enough how much mentors have meant to me,” she said. “I never thought I would get a PhD,” but her mentors made her realize such achievements were possible.
The ¡DALHE! Career Committee is looking forward to scheduling programming and events to facilitate mentorship and sponsorship among Duke Latiné/Hispanic staff. In the meantime, review the following take-action list and resources to help you on your Mentor/Mentee journey! 
  • Share ideas with ¡DALHE! on how to boost mentoring/sponsorship among Latinos at Duke (DALHE.ERG@duke.edu)
  • Consider ways you can serve as a mentor to another colleague or in your community
  • Take the leap and ask someone to be your mentor
  • Meet with your mentor/mentee to set goals for the upcoming year
Duke Resources
  • Duke Faculty Advancement mentorship resources (here)
  • Duke School of Medicine Mentor/Mentee Resources (here)
  • Duke School of Medicine Mentor Training - Spring 2024 (here)
  • A New Look at Mentorship, Professional Development and Well-Being to Help Scholars Succeed - Duke Today (here)
National Resources
  • The Importance of Mentorship and Leadership in The Latino Community - Latino Professionals Newsletter Magazine (here)
  • The Science of Effective Mentorship in STEM - National Academies (here)
  • Latina Faculty Transcending Barriers: Peer Mentoring in a Hispanic-serving Institution (Murakami., 2014) (here)
  • Mentoring Experiences and Perceptions of Latino Male Faculty in Higher Education (Salinas et al., 2020) (here)
  • The Role of Mentoring in the Success of Women Leaders of Color in Higher Education (Tran., 2014) (here)
  • 7 Types of Mentors That Can Help You Thrive in Your Career - The Muse (here)

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