Candid discussions yield long-term results
Making citizens advisory committees effective

A theme that sometimes comes up in Patron Insight's research is the concern that district leadership and typical residents aren't on the same page – and those residents don't feel the district understands what is most important to them. 

The solution: A Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), which is a cross-section of residents who serve as a test audience for trial balloons and take information out to the community to educate residents – and share their experiences with others. 

When identifying members for a CAC, ensure the group is a true cross-section of the patron population in your district. This means you need “cheerleaders” and critics, those who are very involved and those who stay pretty much on the edges, business leaders, and members of the faith community. Think about the “melting pot” that is your community, and you’ll identify the right individuals.

Once the CAC members have been selected, start your first meeting with a general “what’s working/what isn’t” agenda. Pinpoint the areas that need to improve and those become the topics for future meetings – figuring out how to improve in these areas. 

Depending on the “temperature” in your district, it might be wise to consider using an outside facilitator – at least for the first meeting, when passions are likely to be at the highest. Patron Insight can help you determine what would be best for your situation. 

Since this is a volunteer committee, make certain you are presenting topics that will glean fruitful information for the district, while showing the committee members their presence in this group is needed and valued. Remember, these folks will leave the meeting talking about what took place. It’s important to make certain they have plenty to say!

To further demonstrate your appreciation for member’s input, allow absent CAC members the opportunity to provide their input to the district on what was discussed via a simple online survey and e-mail.

To truly help the CAC have a positive impact, the district should promote the activities and outcomes of the group to the broader patron population as well as smoothly transition new members in over time – to keep the group and its ideas new and fresh.

The result: An engaged group of citizens who will ensure your district is innovative and successful to provide the highest-quality education. 

Patron Insight can offer the structure and guidance to help you create an effective citizen advisory committee. Contact Rick Nobles today at or 913-484-0920.

Long-time Patron Insight client Camdenton R-III School District in Missouri has been hosting CAC meetings for more than five years. Watch the video below with Superintendent Tim Hadfield to hear more about the need for Camdenton’s CAC and its success. 

Project Lighthouse "graduates" two more classes

Patron Insight’s peer bonding, mentoring and training program for up-and-coming superintendents and assistant superintendents just wrapped up another successful year.

The Kansas City group, headed by Patron Insight Partner Dr. Dennis Fisher, was the fourth “class” of school district leaders to participate, while the St. Louis-based cohort, led by Patron Insight Partner Dr. Craig Larson, was the first of its kind.

The group meets four to six times within the school year for half-day get togethers. These gatherings provide opportunities to bond with peers in a small group setting, and share concerns and ideas, as well and receive formal training from outside resources on key topics for school district leaders. The small numbers (between eight and 12, typically) create the environment for a much more open discussion than might be available at a larger, conference-type setting.

Visit our website to learn more about Project Lighthouse and how to sign up for the 2017-2018 group. If you would like to get connected with a “graduate” to hear what it’s like, or anything else, please e-mail Dr. Fisher or Dr. Larson

Coming to NSPRA? Don't miss Patron Insight CEO Ken DeSieghardt's presentation.

If you are traveling to San Antonio for the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) Annual Conference in July, we invite you to join Ken DeSieghardt for his presentation, “Making Community Engagement a Lifestyle, Not a “Program.”

You’ll gain insight on how to get everyone in your school district taking part in the engagement process, and making it a 365 day a year proposition.

The presentation is set from 1 to 2 p.m., Wednesday, July 12, in the Navarro Room. It will be a fun, interactive program, and you’ll walk away with some ideas you can use right away.

What our clients say..

"The quality and accuracy of the pre-election survey Patron Insight completed for us was outstanding. The research showed an 83 percent tolerance to pass our $235 million school bond. It passed by 79 percent.

      — Dr. Cindy Lane,
      Kansas City, KS Public Schools

Patron Insight Team

Ken DeSieghardt
Ken DeSieghardt

Rick Nobles
Rick Nobles

Craig Larson
Dr. Craig Larson

Dennis Fisher
Dr. Dennis Fisher

Elaine M. Warren

Susan Nenonen
Susan Nenonen

Patron Insight, Inc. 
19733 Birch Street
Stilwell, KS 66085
Office: 913-814-7626 
Fax: 913-814-3864

Patron Insight, Inc.
19733 Birch Street • Stilwell, KS 66085
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