You did it! You survived the May 1st deadline. I hope you were able to spend the day yesterday celebrating your students and all of their accomplishments on National College Decision Day.
As counselors, you’ve just transitioned from a season of answering multiple emails, reviewing numerous financial aid offers, and endless 1:1 meetings with students and their parents to the season of “Senior Celebrations.” You have now entered the rat race that is Senior Celebration/ End of Year season. You are all still in the storm that is planning all of the activities associated with graduation, Senior Awards Day, AP tests, and trying to counsel the many parents who are struggling with the fact that their baby is now heading out into the grown up world.
As fun as this season is for students, let’s be honest - it is exhausting for counselors. Yes, it is a wonderful time of year where we get to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of our students, but it is also the time of year when we are operating on fumes and nearing exhaustion. It’s ok to acknowledge both of those feelings; we can be excited and exhausted at the same time.
I don’t know about you, but the past few weeks have felt even heavier than the spring typically does for those in our field. As counselors you are supporting students through unknown territory.
I had a friend tell me the other day, “We aren’t at a point anymore where we can tell our students, I know exactly how you feel because I’ve been there too.” Yes, the themes are somewhat the same around student struggles and hardships, but they are navigating a world none of us have ever known or experienced before.
These students have survived a national pandemic while also experiencing historical rates of mental health issues. Our students are screaming for help, but there is only so much we can do when we often are facing caseloads of 300-400 students.
The issues brought about by cyberbullying and social media comparison is one that makes me constantly thankful that Instagram and Snapchat weren’t even invented when I was in high school, let alone college - yes, I’m dating myself.
And then comes the reality of school shootings. I’m not here to get political - although if you follow me on social media you know where I stand - but our students, teachers, and support staff shouldn’t have to fear simply walking into school every day.
It makes me think of the ACEs survey we administer to students to best know how to support them through their trauma. We are now setting a new baseline for students, all scoring a 1 on the ACEs survey due to the fact that they fear gun violence every single day.
It is really tough to be a student in today’s world. Therefore, they deserve ALL of the celebrations and endless support. But in that same thought, you as their counselor do too. You can’t pour from an empty cup.
I recently was able to refill my cup by attending the SACAC Conference in Jacksonville, FL. I felt so rejuvenated simply by being surrounded by and spending time with my people who “just get it.”
All counselors are different, just like our students. Therefore, that reset will look different for us all. It may be a day or two off. It may be treating yourself to a nice manicure/pedicure, a massage, a day of golf, shopping, a day out with friends. Whatever it is, take the time now to plan it. Seriously, when you finish reading this I expect you to take the step to book a treatment or a babysitter.
Counselors are needed more than ever now, but that does not mean you can put taking care of yourself on the backburner. It actually means you need to prioritize it more than ever. So, while you are spending these next few weeks celebrating your seniors, make sure you are celebrating yourself too and taking the time to refill your cup.
We hope you all know how much The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee appreciates you and all the work you do for students throughout our area. We are here to support you in any way we can.
Kelly Pietkiewicz
615-321-4939 ex:116