Dear Student,
Today’s decision by the United States Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade turns the clock back in this nation by more than 50 years on the progress the country has made toward equity, equal rights, and privacy.
Politics and religion should play no role in our ability to manage our own bodies; to make choices that should be ours alone. Undoubtedly, this reversal will have a disproportionately negative impact on the less privileged. People who have limited or no access to health care. The poor. The young. Immigrants. People of color.
As your Dean of Students, I want to assure you that your safety, wellbeing, and autonomy are paramount to us. No matter what comes, we stand with and by you, and will be here to support you.
With hope,
Camille Lizarríbar, JD, PhD
Dean of Student Affairs and Chief Student Affairs Officer for AS&E