CCAC April Newsletter
April 2022
Please Welcome New CCAC Board Member Tom Kasznia
Tom Kasznia
We’re honored to welcome Tom Kasznia, AIA, LEED AP BD+C to the CCAC Executive Committee. Tom is Principal, Global Leader of the Corporate, Commercial & Civic Practice at Perkins&Will and a Member of the Perkins&Will Executive Committee. Click on the link below to learn more about Tom and his work.
March Member Meeting Highlights
Andrew Beideman
David Block
Gerardo Garcia
Carlos Nelson
Strategic Investing in Auburn Gresham -
INVEST South/West and the Chicago Prize
Almost 50 CCAC members gathered to hear a comprehensive update on strategic investing in Chicago’s Auburn Gresham neighborhood, including the progress of Evergreen Imagine, the INVEST South/West project there, and an exciting update on the development progress of the Healthy Lifestyle Hub, winner of the 2020 Chicago Prize awarded by The Pritzker Traubert Foundation. 
The panelists included Andrew Beideman, Senior Program Officer, Pritzker Traubert Foundation, David Block, Director of Development, Evergreen Real Estate Group, Gerardo Garcia, Deputy Commissioner, Chicago Department of Planning and Development and Carlos Nelson, CEO, Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corp. The panel was moderated by CCAC Executive Director Mark Hopkins.
Andy Beideman provided the strategy behind Pritzker Traubert’s decision to focus its efforts on the underserved communities on Chicago’s South and West sides, the development and awarding of the 2020 Chicago Prize, a preview of the award process for the 2022 Prize, and his perspective on Auburn Gresham.
Gerardo Garcia talked about the research, data and analysis that occurred at Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development when deciding what to do and where to do it with regard to sparking long-overdue development on the South and West sides.
Carlos Nelson gave an in-depth look at the long-planned Healthy Lifestyle Hub, provided photos of the in-process construction and renderings of the property when completed. 
Evergreen Real Estate Group’s David Black talked about their project – Evergreen Imagine, the INVEST South/West Auburn Gresham project winner – the process to develop the winning proposal, and the work they’re doing in the community to complete the final designs and get started.
There was a robust discussion and many questions from the audience.
Thanks again to our panelists and special thanks to Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner and CCAC Chairman Greg Hummel for hosting the event.
In-Person Monthly Membership Meeting
Breakfast, Tuesday, May 17, 8:00 to 9:30 am
A Conversation with Michael Fassnacht
Michael Fassnacht
Join CCAC at our next monthly meeting to hear from Michael Fassnacht, President & CEO of World Business Chicago, and Chief Marketing Officer of The City of Chicago.
Michael spends the majority of his time working to attract major business investments in Chicago. He will discuss the significant successes the city has achieved over the last two years – both by bringing new companies to Chicago as well as working to increase the operations of those already here.
To register, please click on and send your RSVP email.  Be sure to include your name and CCAC member organization. Please note, this is a CCAC members-only event.
A Conversation with Michael Fassnacht
Tuesday, May 17, 8:00 to 9:30 am 
Woman's Athletic Club of Chicago
626 N. Michigan Avenue
Special thanks to CCAC Members Rana Lee and Matt Dumich of SmithGroup for hosting this event.
RSVP NOW for the May 17 Breakfast
Is Your Firm Particpating in Chicago Returns Week?
Stand out as a civic leader & join a network of downtown organizations & companies celebrating a return to downtown during CHICAGO RETURNS WEEK the week of May 2nd. Visit their website to see how Chicago Returns plans to honor employers & employees who have returned to the office. Learn how civic leaders are planing to celebrate “The Great Return” with outdoor activations & activities by visiting the Chicago Returns Week | Website  
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