Check out the latest posters from the WSO
Check out the latest posters from the WSO
In The Loop, News from your WSO

Using the Member Blog

Have you visited the Al‑Anon Member Blog yet? It is a great place to read other members’ experience, strength, and hope on the monthly topics, and to write your own!
Because the posts contain many gems, some members have expressed interest in sharing them at meetings. The Member Blog comments were never intended for this use since they are not Conference Approved Literature. However, the Blog is a fantastic source for meeting topics. Members are welcome to chair a meeting using any of the Blog topics, possibly inspiring more members to write and post their sharings on the Blog. Happy reading and posting!
Check out the Member Blog

New Public Outreach Posters!

The World Service Office (WSO) is pleased to introduce a new series of Al‑Anon and Alateen poster designs developed specifically for local public outreach. The poster templates will be available at al‑ and can be downloaded and customized with local contact information. You will be able to choose from different designs and orientations (vertical or horizontal) that best fit your project. Check them out!
Take a look at the new PO posters

Mobile Serenity

Searching for tranquility? Consider adding “mobile serenity” to your gratitude list by subscribing to the premium content in the Al‑Anon Family Groups mobile app. In doing so, you will receive a year’s worth of “Today’s Reflection” entries, thus ensuring daily bursts of easily accessible serenity while on the go. This can be an especially welcome resource throughout the year!
Get the app

WSO Director of Programs

The WSO Programs Department, which is most directly responsible for interacting with members and groups within the WSC Structure and groups and structures across the globe, is looking for a new Director beginning September 2021. The Director of Programs position is essential to ensuring our Core Value—Spiritually based: adhering to our Legacies—is achieved within the WSO and encouraged and supported throughout the fellowship. Interested?
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View Job Description

Now You Can Read The Forum Online!

Did you know Al‑Anon’s monthly magazine is available to download on your tablet, smart phone, or computer? One advantage the electronic version offers is the ability to enlarge text and images for easy reading on most devices. Why wait for the mail when you can order current and past issues of The Forum online from your electronic media provider?
The Forum Electronic Version
Red image with the words Dear Abby in white

Al‑Anon in National Media

Be on the lookout for the “Dear Abby” newspaper column for March 9 recommending Al‑Anon. Many newspapers have either gone entirely digital or include some bonus content available online only. Consider searching their website for the article and, if possible, leave a comment expressing your gratitude for the recommendation. Please protect your anonymity at the level of the internet by not revealing your membership in the program. Readers of national media items could contact the WSO for local meeting information. It is always important for groups to provide WSO and all service arm websites with up‑to‑date meeting information, including temporary electronic meeting information, so everyone can help newcomers find a meeting.
Blue and white image displaying the word April with each letter hanging from a string. Below it, the words Heads up! April is Alcohol Awareness Month. Make your outreach plans now!

Raise Awareness about Al‑Anon during Alcohol Awareness Month

April marks the national Alcohol Awareness Month outreach campaign. Local service arms can use this time to raise awareness about how alcoholism affects the loved ones of alcoholics. Check with your District or Area to find out how you can participate.

New Topic for the Member Blog

March’s topic is, “Share some rewards and challenges of ‘virtual’ service opportunities.” You can also write about Al‑Anon’s three Legacies. This month features Step Three, Tradition Three, and Concept Three. Sharings on the Member Blog may be used in future Al‑Anon publications.  New topics are being added each month!
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Image of the Al-Anon monthly magazine The Forum
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