Pope Francis issues letter to U.S. bishops 
In advance of his meeting with the presidents of the world's bishops' conferences in Rome in February, Pope Francis on Thursday issued a letter to U.S. bishops about the Church abuse crisis.
Attached is a copy of the letter in English and in Spanish.
Bishop Stika offers January prayer intention
We pray, dear Jesus, for all of the victims of abortion and for those who condone the destruction of innocent lives. Our hearts ache with the pain of knowing that the cherished gift of life continues to be taken from millions of unborn babies by those who themselves have received this precious gift. 
As we remember past victims of abortion, let us pray that leaders, legislators, and judges recognize that the right to life exists for all of us —even the unborn. Let us pray for everyone, especially representatives of the Diocese of Knoxville, participating in various March for Life events around the nation this month, and that the news media will finally share our message that abortion is a barbaric and evil act for a society that claims to be civilized.
Bishop Stika dedicates renovated sanctuary of Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul in Chattanooga
Bishop Richard F. Stika consecrated the new altar in the newly renovated sanctuary at the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul in Chattanooga during a Mass on Sunday, Dec. 23. The renovation of the sanctuary is the result of the Home Campaign conducted throughout the Diocese of Knoxville; proceeds benefited not only diocesan initiatives but also individual parishes. Photos courtesy: The East Tennessee Catholic.
Midnight Christmas Mass on YouTube channel
The expanding video library on our diocesan YouTube channel now includes the celebration of Midnight Christmas Mass at the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Click the image above to watch.
Diocese hosts pre-Lenten retreat and conferences with Father Jacques Philippe
Father Jacques Philippe, an internationally renowned best-selling author, will lead a series of conferences and a pre-Lenten retreat in Knoxville from Feb. 28 to March 4. The conferences and retreat are being hosted by the Diocese of Knoxville's Office of Consecrated Life. Click for prices, more information, and to register: Conference on Feb. 28, Pre-Lenten Retreat March 1-3, Conference on March 4. With over one million copies sold in 24 languages, Father Philippe’s books have become classics of modern Catholic spirituality. Click image for additional details.
Humanae Vitae film to be shown at two parishes
Sexual Revolution: 50 Years Since Humanae Vitae is a documentary that examines the parallel developments of the birth control pill and modern Natural Family Planning (NFP). The centerpiece of the film is the dramatic life story of Alana Newman, a talented recording artist who goes from being an activist for feminism and sexual freedom to giving up her promising musical career for life, family, and love. The film will be shown at St. John Neumann Church in Knoxville on Jan. 11 from 7-9 p.m and at St. Dominic Church in Kingsport on Feb. 17 from 3:30-5:30 p.m
Bishop to dedicate new Catholic church
Bishop Richard F. Stika will dedicate the new St. Teresa of Kolkata Church in Maynardville on Feb. 2. The parish celebration will include Masses and events on Feb. 1-3. St. Teresa of Kolkata was established as a Catholic mission in 2011 by the Glenmary Home Missioners. The parish has been at its current location, occupying office and worship space, in a small strip mall on Maynardville Highway. The new church will be located at 3445 Maynardville Highway, just across the road from Union County High School. 
2018 diocesan Year in Review video
Diocesan communications specialist Emily Booker looks back at some of the events that helped define the Diocese of Knoxville in 2018 in a brief video she recently produced. Special thanks to The East Tennessee Catholic newspaper and magazine for their coverage.
Call to Love marriage conference in March
Learn about the dignity, beauty, and power of marriage and family life in the mission of the Church and how to make your marriage work. The Diocese of Knoxville's Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment is offering two programs beginning at 8:30 a.m. and at noon on March 23 at the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Click here for more information.
Diocesan 2019 school calendar and raffle
The 2019 diocesan school calendar and raffle will award $50,000 in cash prizes this year. The purchase of a calendar is also a great way to support Catholic education, stay up to date, and learn more about our ten Catholic schools. Click here for more information and to order. Sales continue until Jan. 19. 
Retreat for high school students 
The diocesan Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry is offering a Hear the Call retreat for high school students (grades 9-12) at the Christ Prince of Peace Retreat Center in Benton on Jan. 25-27. Click here for more information and to register.
World Youth Day Stateside: Panama in the Capital
The Diocese of Knoxville is joining the Archdiocese of Washington for an incredible World Youth Day Stateside experience Jan. 26-27.  Pilgrims will experience Panamanian culture, celebrate their Catholic faith with thousands of other young people, listen to catechetical talks, visit the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, enjoy a concert at night, and much more! Cost is $85. This event is for young adults between the ages of 18 and 35. Click here for more information. To register contact Erica Pereira in the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry at 215-390-0963 or epereira@dioknox.org.  
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
The birth of our Lord and Savior was a chance to renew mankind around the world. Renew your world by considering a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend experience, learning tools and techniques for better communication and relationships. Click here to learn more and see the schedule of upcoming weekends.
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