Dear COAT Member,
As you may already know, our 1st Annual Regional Meetings are quickly approaching. The COAT Board voted to replace County Government Day with regional meetings for the purpose of making these important gatherings more cost effective for county officials and their employees. This email will serve as an invitation to you, as well as others in your office, to attend the meeting scheduled for your region. We are excited about our regional meetings and hope you make every effort to attend!
You can access the registration form by clicking here. Once you click "Submit" at the end of the form, COAT will receive your responses immediately. If changes are needed, please email If you prefer to send your registration form by mail, you can opt to have your responses to the online form emailed to you. Simply print it and drop it in the mail to the address below.
Please note the cost for attendance will be $80.00 per person. On the registration form, there are 2 payment options: By check (to be mailed to the COAT office - address below), or by credit card (Lori will send you an invoice - within 48 hours - to the email address you provide on the registration form. That invoice will have a secure link to pay directly using your credit card).
There will be several benefits extended to those who decide to attend:
  • Attendees will have the opportunity to earn 10 - 12 hours of re-certification credit from County Technical Assistance Service (CTAS).
  • Attendees will be given County Official Identification Cards, which may be used to prove state employee status and will have some additional discounts offered on the back of the card.
  • Attendees will be given a full legislative update so you can remain vigilant on those items in the legislature that may affect you and your constituents.
  • The entire COAT staff will be on site, so you will be able to meet the people who work so hard for you!
  • Most importantly - attendees will receive free breakfast each day and will have ample opportunities to network and visit with your colleagues!!
For meeting locations, dates, and hotel options - click here. Please keep in mind, we do not have a block of rooms reserved at the hotels we have suggested. Therefore, you will need to request the government rate when booking. With that in mind, we recommend you make your reservations as soon as possible if you plan to attend.
We hope to see you all there!!
Best regards,
Your COAT Team
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