February 2021 E-News
February 2021 E-News
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Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
In January, the children at our two early learning centers, at Windy's Preschool at 429 Tattnall Street, and at W.W. Law Learning Center at 909 E. Bolton Street, learned about the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Their studies culminated in a celebration of Dr. King's life with a release of gold and silver balloons.  If you are interested in our Early Learning Programs, please call our Windy's Preschool at 912-234-0575 or our program at W.W. Law at 912-233-5230. We are already beginning our enrollments for Fall, 2021!  Help your child have a positive introduction to learning.  For further information, you can also reach our Director of Programs, Kalessa Edgerson, at this email address:  kedgerson@greenbriarchildrenscenter.org

On the chilly morning of January 18th, we celebrated the #MLK Day of Service, with a visit from a group of brave volunteers along with staff from the United Way of the Coastal Empire, who worked hard while socially distancing to help us with some much needed weeding, landscaping, planting and painting at our campus on Hopkins Street.   Thank you again to the UWCE and to all of the volunteers who came out to help us. Below is a picture of one of our lovely volunteers in action. 

MLK Day of Service




Greenbriar Administrative Offices
         Save the Date!   February 24, 2021 
     Annual Meeting of Greenbriar Children's Center

Each February, Greenbriar has traditionally hosted its Board of Directors' Annual Meeting, a time to reflect back on our work from the previous year and acknowledge those in the community who have helped us in our mission of nurturing children and strengthening families. This year, we are going "virtual", in our efforts to follow CDC and local guidelines to keep our community safe.  Our Annual Meeting will be held via Facebook Live on Wednesday, February 24th at 11:00 am.  While we are sorry we cannot see you in person, we are excited to communicate with you in a new and exciting way!  Please be on the lookout for announcements on our Facebook page about the event. All are invited to attend. 

        Staff Spotlight

During the month of February, we are shining the light on Miss Tracey McCombs, one of our team of social workers who works tirelessly and selflessly at our Emergency Shelter for children from the ages of 11-18 who have been removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment, along with runaway and homeless youth. Our shelter, one of only two in the entire Coastal Empire, provides a safe and nurturing environment for children who have immediate need of help.   Here are some questions (Q's) we asked Miss McCombs and her answers (A's) about her work at the shelter. 
Question: Q: How long have you been at Greenbriar?  A: I have worked at the shelter for over five years.
Q: What is the thing you value most about your work at the  Shelter? A: When I work with a teen to change his or her behavior and I see the results of my work occur before my eyes!  One resident that I worked with is now back with his family, attending school, and also now has a part time job. I continue to see him about once a month when I visit him at his work...he always give me the biggest smile!
Q: What keeps you coming back? A:  When I am able to see a difference I made in a child. When you show a child love and caring...they really do give it right back to you. 
Q: What do you wish everyone knew about  Greenbriar that they may not know? A: How much the staff truly cares and goes above and beyond to meet the needs of each child. 
Q: What do you like to do in your spare time? A: Once in a while I enjoy getting a good manicure...or having a nice dinner out! 

Below is a picture of our kind Miss McCombs.

Our Shelter Team
Please Help a Child Today
3709 Hopkins Street Savannah, GA 31405

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