Forwarded by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Forwarded by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
CDPH Health Update:
Influenza A Testing Guidance - Enhanced Surveillance During the Summer Months
June 12, 2024
Note for laboratories: Please see LAC DPH Laboratory Alert Notification--Enhanced Influenza Surveillance (6-13-24). 
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) released a Health Update today for healthcare providers and clinical and commercial laboratories. CDPH key messages are included below. Please read the full CDPH Health Update for details.
Key Messages
In order to maintain awareness of influenza A subtypes circulating in California:
  • Providers should report any suspected case of novel, avian, or variant influenza to their local health department immediately, and should test for influenza in patients with respiratory illness and relevant animal exposures that could increase risk for influenza A (H5N1). Providers should test severely ill patients irrespective of exposure history.
  • Clinical and commercial laboratories should submit influenza specimens to public health laboratories for subtyping. Any clinical specimen for which subtyping is attempted and does not identify a seasonal subtype should be immediately reported to the local health department and urgently directed to a public health lab for further testing.
Report any suspected case of novel, avian, or variant influenza to Public Health immediately.
Los Angeles County DPH Acute Communicable Disease Control:
  • Weekdays 8:30 am–5:00 pm: call 213-240-7941.
  • After-hours: call 213-974-1234 and ask for the physician on call.
Long Beach Health and Human Services:
  • Weekdays 8:00 am-5:00 pm: call 562-570-4302.
  • After hours: call the duty officer at 562-500-5537.
Pasadena Public Health Department:
  • Weekdays 8:00 am-5:00 pm: call 626-744-6089.  
  • After hours: call 626-744-6043.
Click here to read the full CDPH Health Update
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