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Monthly At-A-Glance: October Programs
October 4, 2022
Kaufman Interfaith Institute


Interfaith Book Discussion - SEE NO STRANGER, Fall Kick-off October 12th 2:00pm-3:30pm
Virtual via Zoom
We are pleased to announce that our book discussion for this season will be See No Stranger by Valarie Kaur, a renowned civil rights leader, lawyer, award-winning filmmaker, educator, innovator, and author.  The book was recommended by Grand Valley’s new provost and is being used by various campus groups as a reading book for discussion.  Her book is filled with personal stories and challenging messages for us all.
For the initial introductory session on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 we will be watching some of Valarie's video content. We then will meet on alternate Wednesdays starting on Wednesday, November 2, 2022, and continuing through February 15, 2022.  These sessions will be co-facilitated by Ms. Karen Meyers and other members of the Kaufman staff. Our study will culminate in an opportunity to hear Valarie Kaur speak at a Kaufman/GVSU event on February 23, 2023. Reading the book together will be great preparation for hearing her message of “revolutionary love.”
The People's Supper, October 13th 6:30pm-8:30pm
GVSU Downtown Grand Rapids Campus
We’re bringing diverse GVSU and Grand Rapids Community participants together for a meal and conversation in the nationwide lead up to the midterm elections. The dinner is free but registration is required. Sign up today to save your seat!
In a moment of acute political division, the supper table is a uniquely simple and sacred space through which we can find real nourishment and real healing. As Maya Angelou said, “food is important not just as fuel for the body, but as devices for growth for the soul.” Since January 2017, The People’s Supper has hosted more than 1,100 suppers across the country, born of a belief that a group of thoughtful people who differ from one another — politically, culturally, racially, and generationally — can sit down over a shared meal and engage in meaningful conversation together. 
Stories of Hope & Courage, October 26th 10:30am 
Temple Emanuel 
An interfaith program featuring stories of hope and courage from the Holocaust, with Cassandra Kroondyk, from Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, sharing vocal and violin music, accompanied by Dr. Ken Bos.
Dessert and coffee with e served following the program.
Please RSVP to bevkagan@hotmail.com to attend.
Re-Stitching The Fabric of Our Democracy for The 21st Century, October 6th 6:30pm
Bernhard Center South Ballroom, 1903 West Michigan Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49008
The founding leaders of Interfaith America, author Eboo Patel, and BridgeUSA, Manu Meel, are coming to Western Michigan University to share how their organizations work with institutions and individuals to build a more diverse and just democracy.
Interfaith America's mission is to inspire, equip, and connect leaders and institutions to unlock the potential of America’s religious diversity. BridgeUSA, a youth-led nonprofit, creates spaces on high school and college campuses for open discussion between students about political issues.
Talking Together: Strengthening our communities through conversation
Tired of the toxic level of polarization in the U.S.? Interested in talking with people whose perspective differs from your own in ways that stay constructive? We invite you to join us for a year focused on creating a culture of conversation rather than division. 
The Padnos/Sarosik Center for Civil Discourse, Kaufman Interfaith Institute, Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies, and WGVU Public Media are pleased to partner for Talking Together: Strengthening our Communities through Conversation, a dialogue initiative aimed at interrupting polarization and investing in the principles of civil discourse and respectful conversation. Each month will feature at least one structured activity for students, staff, faculty, and community members to engage in conversation with one other across differences in perspective, identity, and life experiences.
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