Plus, Sea-Level Rise, Congratulations Graduates and More
Plus, Sea-Level Rise, Congratulations Graduates and More
Columbian College

June 2019

Xolela Mangcu Headshot
Sociology’s Xolela Mangcu grew up in segregated South Africa and has been hailed as its “most prolific public intellectual.” As he writes the first African-authored biography of Nelson Mandela, he urges young people to continue fighting injustice.
Columbian College graduates at celebration
Surrounded by family and friends, Columbian College graduates received a celebratory sendoff at the Smith Center during Commencement weekend. Relive the memories through videos and photos! 
Archaeologists on site
Anthropology’s David Braun joined an archaeological team in Ethiopia that discovered the oldest evidence of stone tool production, dating back more than 2.58 million years. 
Isabel Pellegrino
Isabel Pellegrino, BA ’19, merged her journalism interest with her communication skills to land an internship with Edelman, a global communications firm. Now she’s turned that experience into a full-time job with the agency.
ghost forest
Flooded cities aren’t the only dangerous consequence of rising sea levels. A new study by Biology’s Keryn Gedan highlights the threat that climate change poses to rural land, including the potential loss of farm acreage as water rises.
Mary Tschirhart
Mary Tschirhart, a prominent academic voice on nonprofit management and governance, was named the new director of the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration.  
Columbian College Goldwater Scholars
Two CCAS students were among GW’s three Goldwater Scholars, a prestigious recognition for undergraduates pursuing careers in the natural sciences, engineering and mathematics. 
Hand holding phone showing Facebook Groups App
The practice of viewing social media posts from only likeminded people was lambasted in the wake of the 2016 presidential election. But a new study by SMPA’s Ethan Porter questions whether social bubbles are really as harmful as we think. 


Jeffrey Blount (Media and Public Affairs) authored the novel The Emancipation of Evan Walls.
Hua Liang (Statistics) received a $447,983 grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to develop software for pharmacodynamics and bioassay studies.
L. Courtney Smith (Biology) received a $774,962 grant from the National Science Foundation to study anti-pathogen activities of sea urchin protein. 

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