New Jersey City University

NJCU Responsibility Statement

Dear NJCU Community:

As we prepare to welcome the Fall semester, we know that the health and safety of each student, faculty and staff member is first and foremost a priority on the NJCU campus.
In terms of our responsibility to safeguard our own individual health and as a demonstration of our collective responsibility and commitment to each other and the broader NJCU community, the following is a summary of expected public health behaviors students, faculty and staff will adhere to in order to limit exposure to COVID-19:    
  • Wearing appropriate face coverings when on campus, except in private spaces and situations such as when alone in an enclosed office or residential room.
  • Maintaining social distancing guidelines, practicing proper and frequent handwashing techniques and following the direction of signage and protocols to protect health and safety is crucial.
  • Monitoring our health each day and not entering a university building or participating in any activities if we display symptoms of COVID-19 including, but not limited to, fever, respiratory distress, and dry cough. If you feel sick, make the appropriate notification, stay home, and seek immediate medical guidance.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting shared work or classroom surfaces at the beginning and/or end of daily use.
  • Following quarantine guidelines as per the travel advisory set by the New Jersey Department of Health after traveling to areas with a significant spread of COVID-19.
  • Cooperating with any requests for information if contacted on behalf of a NJCU contact tracer.
  • Following any other NJCU guidelines that may be developed going forward to protect our campus community.

To be mindful of these important guidelines, we will all receive a daily text message that is meant to serve as a reminder of the need for each of us to go through a symptom check before coming to work on campus or entering a building for class. This text reminder will also include appropriate next steps should you  exhibit any of the COVID symptoms.
The health and safety of the campus community during this pandemic is a shared responsibility among faculty, staff and students. I know we can count on each other to keep our campus safe and together we will achieve a successful Fall 2020 semester. 

Sue Henderson
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