Catch up on the latest news from the North River Learning Community
Catch up on the latest news from the North River Learning Community

Outdoor Classrooms for Allen Elementary

Saturday, September 7 is a big day for Allen Elementary. That is the day work begins on their new outdoor classrooms. Last school year, 2nd graders wrote letters to their principal, Mr. Tillett, asking to turn an old playground into a butterfly garden. Just as a new butterfly takes flight, this idea quickly gained wings and began to fly. In an effort to serve ALL children, the classrooms are being designed to give full access to students who may not have full access to the current playground. There will be areas for art, music, reading, physical education, and STEM. These classrooms will be connected by pathways that provide a sensory experience for all children - they will be able to feel, hear, and see the pathways as they move from area to area. Each area will also have "buddy benches" where children can find support and new friends. Contact the school if you're interested in helping!

Open House for Choice Schools on Sept. 9

Every student has different interests, hopes, and dreams, and they deserve access to opportunities that best fit their individual needs. “Choose Hamilton” gives your family the option to choose a school outside of your neighborhood zoned school including magnet schools, Future Ready Institutes, open enrollment schools, and early college programs.
The first step in the process of finding the right school fit for your child is visiting potential schools. All choice schools will host information sessions and/or tours on Sept. 9, Oct. 16, Nov. 4 and Feb. 21. Click here to view each school’s specific times for next week’s open house on Monday, Sept. 9.

Level 5 Schools

Forty-five of our schools earned a Level 5 this year - the highest level of academic growth a school can achieve in the state of Tennessee. Twelve of those forty-five schools were located right here in the North River Learning Community. Congratulations to:
Allen Elementary, Big Ridge Elementary, Daisy Elementary, DuPont Elementary, Hixson High, Hixson Middle, Hixson Elementary, Loftis Middle, McConnell Elementary, Middle Valley Elementary, Sale Creek Middle/High, and Soddy Elementary

Upcoming Events

September 19: School Board Meeting
October 3: HCS High School Choral Festival @ Ridgedale Baptist Church-6:00 concert
October 7-11: Fall Break
October 17: School Board Meeting
October 19: Trojan Invitational Marching Band Contest at SDHS
October 22: Hamilton Sings! 5th grade Honor Choir @ First Baptist Church-6:00 concert
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