See the CCAS faculty that received press coverage last month!
See the CCAS faculty that received press coverage last month!
Columbian College of Arts & Sciences: Faculty Getting Press
June 2020

Among the Columbian College faculty getting press during May were the following individuals:

American Studies


Eric Cline was quoted by LiveScience in the article “Welcome to Armageddon: Meet the city behind the biblical story” and by The New York Times in “What Happened to the Original 1 Percent?

Arts & Design

East Asian Languages and Literatures 

Immanuel Kim was cited by The New York Times in the article “A Novel From North Korea Offers Glimpses of the Everyday.”


Forensic Sciences


Dan Malouff authored the article “Here is how school buses looked in 1934” for Greater Greater Washington.

Media and Public Affairs

Imani Cheers spoke to Canada’s CTV News Channel, Canada National, about the death of George Floyd and the protests that followed.
David Karpf was quoted by Politico in the article “Why It Doesn’t Matter That Trump Is Beating Biden Online.”
Ethan Porter was quoted by Rolling Stone in the article “Ari Melber on Fact-Checking a Feckless President.” He spoke to KAET-PBS (Phoenix) about the executive order signed by President Trump related to social media companies.
Silvio Waisbord co-authored the article “Coronavirus. The sudden spring of pandemic news” for Argentina’s La Nacion.


David DeGrazia spoke to WAMU-FM’s The Kojo Nnamdi Show for the segment “Ethicists Tackle The Pandemic’s Moral Dilemmas.”


Political Science

Alexander Downes was quoted by The Washington Diplomat in the article “Academics Say U.S. Interventions to Force Regime Change Often Fail.”

Professional Psychology

Sarah Hedlund was quoted by The Washington Post in the article “Young people told to stay at home amid coronavirus, but where is home?

Public Policy and Public Administration 

Nancy Augustine spoke to WAMU-FM’s The Kojo Nnamdi Show for the segment “Navigating the Post-Pandemic Job Market.”
Lori Brainard spoke to CBS Newspath about the executive order signed by President Trump related to social media companies.
Kathryn Newcomer spoke to The Washington Post for the podcast “'Post Reports' podcast: What happens when the watchdog gets fired” and to C-SPAN about the role of inspectors general. Voice of America quoted her in “Trump Wages Major Assault on Government Watchdogs” and Vox quoted her in “Trump’s purge of inspectors general, explained.”
Stephen Joel Trachtenberg was quoted by in the article “The danger of being a college freshman.”

Regulatory Studies Center

Laura Stanley authored the post “Bring back the methadone vans” for the article “We need smart solutions to mitigate the coronavirus’s impact. Here are 37” in The Washington Post.


Amitai Etzioni authored the article “Needed: a time-bound virtual Congress” for The Hill.
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