Friday STEM News
Friday STEM News
At the USA Science & Engineering Festival, we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. We wish you all a safe and happy Memorial Day. 

STEM in the News

Every Friday, we will send out a list of articles that highlight STEM initiatives which align with our mission to inspire the next generation of innovators.  In this week's line-up, read how employers can do more to encourage STEM skills; Tony Mitchell, an engineer working for Booz Allen Hamilton and a recent recipient of the Black Engineer of the Year Award, shares how to overcome career odds; plus, learn about STEM outside of the box in the classroom and more! 
Friday STEM News

X-STEM Video Library 

We are currently uploading talks from X-STEM DC 2019 to our website video library. Our next talk features Dr. Serena McCalla, STEM Educator and Scientist. From coaching her students at Jericho High School to championships at renowned international science fairs to being featured in Sundance Film Festival’s award-winning documentary, Science Fair, Dr. McCalla shares her secrets for guiding young learners in science fair pursuits. Dr. McCalla is also the founder of iResearch Institute, the parent company of iResearch Science and iResearch Institute, where she shares her research practices with educators and students around the globe.
Our X-STEM videos are a terrific educational resource for any classroom. Students can hear from a variety of visionaries exploring topics like conservation, medical research, space travel, math, weather patterns, and much more! 
See More Videos

Sponsor the 2020 Expo

Help us Bridge the STEM Job Gap! In an article published by the Washington Post referencing the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, "STEM jobs are growing at three times the rate of others, and business owners frequently report that they can’t find enough qualified workers to fill necessary positions. Since STEM positions are projected to grow 17 percent from 2008 to 2018 – compared with 9.8 percent for other jobs – addressing this problem is more urgent than ever." Meek, Teresa. "A bridge to the STEM gap." The Washington Post, Web, 20, July 2018. Read the article here
Join our mission to inspire this next generation of innovators to pursue careers in STEM! Learn more by contacting us to see how your organization can reach over 300,000 students and participate in the 2020 Expo on April 24-26 in Washington, DC. 
Why Sponsor





Farrell Family Foundation
Res Med


American Association of Chemistry Teachers 
American Chemical Society
American Scientist 
Chemical & Engineering News
Sigma Xi


U.S. Department of Energy


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