March Ahead With Laughing, Crafting, Learning, Cooking, Painting and More
March Ahead With Laughing, Crafting, Learning, Cooking, Painting and More
Link to Hamilton Telecommunications
  March 2022  
Cool Video 1 - Download Graphics to View  
How Animals Run
This guy perfectly imitates 12 animals, from a duck to a deer to a dog, and shows how they'd run if they were human.
Cool Video 2 - Download Graphics to View  
Land of Giants
Inspired by the Easter Island statues, architects have transformed electricity pylons into deer and human shapes.
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Statistics - Download Images to View Interesting Statistics About the Use of Connected Devices

Deloitte, the multinational professional services company, released a 2021 survey that indicates the average U.S. household has 25 connected devices. In addition, more than half of U.S. adults have experienced virtual doctor visits, and more than two-thirds of U.S. households have some type of smart home device. How does your household compare?
Get Ready to Get Crafty  
Get Ready to Get Crafty
March is National Craft Month. This site offers instructions for all kinds of spring crafts such as silk tie Easter Eggs.
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Tips for Health in Aging  
Tips for Health in Aging
Get expert health information for older adults and caregivers about medications, falls prevention, driving, etc.
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Learn Lots of Fun Facts  
Learn Lots of Fun Facts
Have a few extra minutes? Check out the smorgasboard of smart, quirky content gathered by the Mental Floss team.
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Cooking Demo 1 - Download Graphics to View  
African Peanut Soup
This unique creamy soup is made with simple ingredients including peanut butter, tomato paste, and sweet potato.
Cooking Demo 2 - Download Graphics to View  
8 Healthy Salads
Looking for lunch or dinner ideas? Check out recipes for Avocado and Tuna Salad, Cauliflower Salad, and more.
Lord of the Dance Lord of the Dance Lord of the Dance  
Lord of the Dance
Since March includes St. Patrick's Day, it seems fitting to enjoy a performance by the world's greatest Irish dancers.
Doggone Adorable Doggone Adorable Doggone Adorable  
Doggone Adorable
Do you follow Instagram on Instagram? It's well worth it to see their beyond-cute videos like this #WeeklyFluff post.
Do-It-Yourself Demo 1 - Download Graphics to View  
Paint an Outdoor Table
Follow along step by step as a thrifter transforms an outdoor table using several coats of paint and a floral stencil.
Do-It-Yourself - Download Graphics to View  
Remove Carpet Stains
Watch this video so you'll be prepared the next time you get ink, grease, nail polish, wine, or coffee on your carpet.
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Hamilton Telecommunications · 1006 12th Street · Aurora, NE 68818

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