The Dispatch - March 2014
A Newsletter from LECET Southwest
Dear Name,
Welcome to the inaugural edition of The Dispatch! The Dispatch is an electronic newsletter from LECET Southwest, a labor-management partnership between the Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA) and their signatory contractors throughout California, Arizona and New Mexico.
Once per quarter, The Dispatch will bring you stories about the projects being built by LIUNA members and their contractors, updates on newly signatory contractors, important information about the construction industry, the Laborers' Union and more.
With the creation of this electronic newsletter, LECET Southwest hopes we will improve our communication efforts and make the information we provide more valuable and timely. To that end, we have also redesigned our website to make it easier to find the information you need. If you are looking for information on projects, contractors, the Laborers' Union, or a resource to help improve your company's bottom line, check us out -
2005 West Pico
Tower General Contractors Builds a New Home for Laborers' Local 300
At the June 2008 membership meeting of Laborers' Local 300, a motion was made, seconded, and carried by the membership. That motion ratified Local 300's Executive Board recommendation to build a new, state-of-the-art union hall for the membership of the Local. More than five years later the project is nearly complete.   Read More
California's Transportation Fiscal Cliff by Will Kempton, Transportation CA
California is once again facing a funding crisis for transportation infrastructure. Over the past decades, our industry has championed efforts to provide a continuing source of money to support funding for California's transportation infrastructure. With gas tax revenues declining, and with the looming sunset of ...  Read More
New Signatory Contractors
Below is a partial listing of contractors that recently became signatory to the Laborers' Union. For a complete list and further information on new signatories click here
ATM Specialty Services
J. McLoughlin Engineering
Cratus, Inc
Almendariz Consulting
Fontenoy Engineering
Masterbuilt Construction Corp.
Platinum Insulation
Diverse Fencing & Construction
Setag Construction
Tex Concrete Cutting
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FFC Conference - 3/13/14
CTC Meeting - 3/20/14
ECA Spring Golf Tournament - 3/20/14
LIUNA PSW Regional Conference - 3/23/14

The LECET Southwest Weekly
Get construction news and information updates for California, Arizona, and New Mexico.
The Laborers-Employers Cooperation and Education Trust (LECET Southwest) is a partnership between the Laborers' International Union of North America and their signatory contractors to secure projects and jobs, increase market share, and advance market-related interests throughout the states of California, Arizona, and New Mexico.
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