Latest news for the Nebraskans for the Arts
Latest news for the Nebraskans for the Arts
State Arts Advocacy - SUCCESS! Advocates from across the state were able to share their love for the arts with state senators on February 7th. This year's event had training, issue briefs, and attendees were able to cross the Rotunda to meet their senators. Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's event and informing policymakers about the impact the arts have on our communities. 
Updates on Bills in the 2019 Unicameral 
There are several arts-related bill in the Nebraska Legislature:
LB224 - Cultural Bond Financing - This bill, sponsored by Senator Joni Albrecht, allows nonprofit cultural organizations to finance or refinance cultural assets they deem important to the economic vitality of their locality. The bill has taken a fast-track to passage. It had a hearing on Monday, February 11th, was approved by the Banking, Commerce, and Insurance Committee; and had its first round of floor debate (General File) the following Thursday morning. the bill passed first round with a vote of 37-0, and moves on to the second round (Select File) of debate.
LB422 - Art Therapist Licensing Act - The goal of this bill is to provide Nebraskans the best possible care and protection by certifying they are receiving professional, art-based treatment when they seek an art therapist. Sponsored by Senator Sara Howard, the bill's hearing in the Health and Human Services Committee was held on February 14th. The bill will be held in committee as a parallel review of its need is conducted by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services - a process known as a 407 review.
We are also monitoring the appropriations process to support funding of the Nebraska Arts Council and Nebraska Cultural Endowment. We encourage you to write, call, or meet your state senators to share your story of how these bills and funding are beneficial to you and your organizations and communities.

Congressmen Don Bacon and Adrian Smith enthusiastically invite all high school students in Nebraska Districts 2 and 3 to participate in the 2019 Congressional Art Competition.
This program recognizes and encourages artistic talent in our nation's youth.  The first place winner in each district will have his/her artwork proudly displayed by Congressmen Bacon and Smith in the U.S. Capitol for one year.
The Congressmen work alonside the Nebraska Art Teachers Association and local high schools to collect and evaluate the submissions. Visit the NATA website for official rules, forms, and guidelines. Submissions are due by March 9, 2019.
State Finals
Sunday, March 10, 2019 @ 1:30pm
Sheldon Art Museum, Lincoln, NE 
Support Nebraskans for the Arts through Giving Assistant. This app helps you get discounts when you shop online and to make it easy to donate a portion of your savings. It’s a win-win!
Simply sign up through this link, download the browser extension, and save when you shop. 
Please share this with your friends and family who would like to save money and support our cause.
You're Invited - Introduction Ceremony of Nebraska State Poet Matt Mason
Please join Governor Pete Ricketts, the Nebraska Arts Council and other dignitaries in the installation of Matt Mason as Nebraska State Poet 2019-2023. Matt is a tireless advocate for poetry and the arts across the state. The event is:
Monday, February 25th
10:00am, Warner Chamber
Nebraska State Capitol
March 15 Deadline for NAC Grant Applications
The Nebraska Arts Council's online grant application portal is open to apply for: Mini Grants, Artists in Schools and Communities Grants, Nebraska Touring Program Grants, School Bus for the Arts, and Arts Accessibility Grants.
You can find information about each grant category at the Nebraska Arts Council's website. If you’re unsure of where your project or organization best fits, please contact the NAC office (402-595-2122) and they will help guide you.
Here is a simple way for you to support our activities when you shop or eat - at no cost to you! Every purchase you make at participating businesses returns 5% to help advocate for the arts in Nebraska. 
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