Coming Back Safe & Strong

Coming Back Safe and Strong Update
What You Need to Know, When You Need to Know It
Top Three Things To Know About Employee COVID-19 Testing
We’ve been sending a lot of testing information your way and hopefully you’ve had a chance to review and absorb it as we continue to stay on top of our plans to help protect the health and well-being of our campus.
To help faculty and staff better understand the latest testing requirements, we’ve added a dedicated COVID-19 Employee Testing page on the CBSS site -- which includes a link to recently updated Health Screening and Testing FAQs and information on the new employee COVID-19 Scheduler Tool. 
Here are the top three things all University (non-hospital) employees should know about testing right now:
  1. What and How: We’ve provided the new Saliva Pooled Test COVID-19 Scheduler Tool to schedule appointments, as outlined in detail in the link above. You will no longer receive personalized email invitations.

  2. When (How Often): We are urging employees to make appointments to test every two weeks, which follows best practices.

  3. Where: Testing sites are the Student Activity Center Ballroom, the HSC Galleria, and the Southampton Campus Student Center. Find out specific scheduling information on the Testing Page link above. 
Travel, Testing and Quarantine Update
Thanksgiving is traditionally a peak travel time for all of us and, unfortunately, pandemic protections will impact our plans this year. The State University of New York has been proactive in its approach to offering guidance as has the Governor’s office. Find out all you need to know about Governor Cuomo’s latest quarantine and testing guidelines for travelers coming to New York from out of state, as well as SUNY’s COVID-19 testing protocols before Thanksgiving, in the latest HR Update on Travel, Testing and Quarantine.
Supervisors* -- Phase 5 Is November 30; What to Say and Do?
With the November 30 Phase 5 of our return to work plan fast approaching, HR is providing a Guide for Supervisors to help them communicate department plans and modified campus work rules. The guide also provides insights to employees who may want to learn more about the phased approach. Human Resource Services is available to provide support and guidance to ensure we all work together to help create a safe workplace. For more information, see HRS Contact Us.
*Specifically, supervisors on West Campus, Health Sciences Tower, School of Medicine and Southampton Campus
Help Keep Us All Safe
●  Wash your hands or use sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available.
●  Try to maintain a physical distance of at least six feet from other people.
●  Wear a mask.
●  Cover coughs/sneezes and avoid touching your eyes/nose/mouth.
●  Clean/disinfect frequently touched surfaces in your workplace every day.
●  Try to avoid using other people's phones/desks/tools/equipment
●  Stay home if you’re sick.
Have an Idea? Need an Answer?
Visit our continuously updated return to the workplace FAQs on our Coming Back Safe and Strong website, or send your questions to
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