To the MBA Classes of 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2017,
With deadlines for the Bloomberg Businessweek MBA rankings Student and Alumni surveys fast approaching, we are publishing a special edition of Inside Owen, specifically for your classes, to ensure that you are aware of the opportunity to participate in this process. 
Below are Class-specific instructions for accessing and completing the survey, as well as information on the response rate Owen needs to meet to qualify for ranking in Businessweek's Best Business Schools 2017. 
If you have any questions, feel free to call or email the Marketing and Communications department (
MBA Class of 2017,
With less than 2 weeks until the deadline, we have not achieved the 40% response rate required for the Businessweek 2017 MBA ranking Student survey. If we do not hit this goal, Owen will not be ranked in Businessweek’s Best Business Schools 2017. 
Please click on the following Vanderbilt-specific links for the BusinessWeek 2017 Best B-Schools Survey:
Link for Student Survey (Enter school code 7715 when prompted.)
Please note that BusinessWeek does not provide Owen with information on those who have responded, and all surveys remain anonymous.
The deadline to complete this survey is Friday, July 21st.  
MBA Classes of 2009, 2010, and 2011,
With approximately 6 weeks until the deadline, we have not achieved the 25% response rate required for the Businessweek 2017 MBA ranking Alumni survey. If we do not hit this goal, Owen will not be ranked in Businessweek’s Best Business Schools 2017. 
Please click on the following Vanderbilt-specific link for the Businessweek 2017 Best B-Schools Survey. 
Link for Alumni Survey (Enter school code 7715 when prompted.)
Please note that BusinessWeek does not provide Owen with information on those who have responded, and all surveys remain anonymous.
The deadline to complete this survey is Monday, August 21st.
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