A reminder of required academic policies and teaching resources
A reminder of required academic policies and teaching resources
University of Oregon
Office of the Provost
Dear colleagues,
This message reminds you of required academic policies (including new policies) and offers you resources to help you prepare your course and syllabus.
Please read this email in its entirety. We’ve attempted to review new and ongoing policies that place requirements on all UO classes.
The Winter 2025 Course Resources are meant to support your launch of upcoming courses. You’ll find an updated Syllabus ‘Starter’ and new Canvas course templates designed to save you time, ensure consistency, and incorporate best practices in instructional design and accessibility.
As always, you’ll find key dates and deadlines and ready-made, adaptable Canvas modules that orient students to your course, streamline absence reporting, and define and emphasize academic integrity. 
Academic Policy Reminders
A published Canvas site is required by the first day of class. Ideally, the Canvas site would be published at least a few days before classes start. Canvas sites for core education courses will automatically generate a new page titled Course Information that contains relevant course information such as learning outcomes and course descriptions. This information is pulled from CourseLeaf and represents the approved features of the course that are true for all sections of the course. 
A syllabus must be available to students on Canvas before classes begin or by the first day of class. The syllabus must include or link to the information listed in the Syllabus Requirement policy.
Course Attendance and Engagement
Course syllabi must outline attendance or engagement requirements, the impact of absences on grades, and conditions for making up missed work, consistently with university-level accommodations (e.g. religious, accessibility, parenting, military, as discussed below). Attendance policy must be reason-neutral, and instructors should provide reasonable adjustments where possible while guiding students with extraordinary circumstances to appropriate resources.
Student Grievances
Students have a new policy for filing grievances. This new policy situates the process within the schools and colleges for grievances that students file in the context of academic programs. See the formal grievance review process in the policy library. Further guidance can be found on the provost's website.
Student Progress Reporting
Instructors of record are to provide up-to-date student progress information on Canvas, such as grades for assignments, quizzes, and exams, by the end of week six and prior to the final exam.
University-Sponsored Events and Student Attendance
Faculty are strongly encouraged to make pedagogically sound and justifiable accommodations for students absent due to participation in university-sponsored events, such as athletic events.
Course Modality and Delivery
Courses should be delivered as scheduled unless otherwise approved. Shifting a course to synchronous online requires additional approval by the Office of the Provost. Requests for changes to synchronous online should be sent from the dean to Ron Bramhall.
UO Student Conduct Code and Academic Misconduct
University policy requires instructors to report suspected academic misconduct to the dean of students if the instructor intends to impose a penalty.
Student Accommodations
Students may receive accommodations for absences from class and make-ups for missed assignments or exams for a variety of reasons listed below:

The Incomplete policy provides a centralized process for student requests, faculty approval, and contracts for incompletes.  If the student is unable, there is an instructor-initiated option.
Dead Week
Remember that faculty legislation places limits on assignments and exams during dead week (week ten).
Final Exams
Students who are scheduled for more than three final exams in one day can take one or more on another day. In addition, students who have two or more exams scheduled at the same time have options for alternate exam times.
Course Materials Reporting
Course materials for Spring 2025 must be reported through the Duck Store system by January 13. All courses must report all materials, or report that there are no materials required, by that date. 
Preparing for Winter 2025 Term
Should inclement weather disrupt classes, specific instructions and guidance will be provided on the provost's website

Office of the Provost
1258 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1258
P: 541-346-3186 | F: 541-346-2023
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