Early Bird Deadline extended to 9/25 • Order NE District Tees & PJ bottoms
Early Bird Deadline extended to 9/25 • Order NE District Tees & PJ bottoms
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News from the Northeast
Convention Update
September 18, 2016
Early Bird Deadline Extended to September 25, 2016
Northeast District T-shirts and pajama bottoms available!
November 3-6, 2016
Albany, New York

Convention Deadlines

September 21:
Grant-recipient sisterhoods must identify individual beneficiaries
September 25:
Extended deadline for Early Bird Registration
October 10:
Regular registration deadline
October 13:
Deadline for hotel reservations at the WRJ rate
October 14:
Deadline for ordering Northeast District T-shirts and PJ bottoms


Hotel reservations must be made separately

Hotel Reservations

WRJ rate: $119/night (per room)
Rate available November 3-6, 2016
Book by October 13, 2016
Or call Marriott Reservations at 800‑228‑9290 and use group code "WRJ"
Albany Marriott
189 Wolf Road
Albany, N.Y. 12205
(518) 458-8444
Need a roommate? Tell us on your Convention Registration form and we will try to find one for you.

 Order Your Northeast District T-shirts and PJ bottoms!

Come to our wine-and-cheese pajama party in your new comfy Northeast District T-shirt and pajama bottom!

Want More Information About Convention?

Still have questions? Contact Betty Weiner at bweiner235@gmail.com

Make our YES Fund Tree Grow

Congratulate members of the District Board by purchasing leaves and apples for our YES Fund Tree.

Top Five Reasons to Attend Convention

5. Meeting Northeast District and WRJ leaders
4. Late night schmoozing and pajama party
3. Learning through fabulous workshops and plenaries
2. Shabbat services that renew the soul
1. Connecting with women – sharing, caring, and bonding
Join us in Albany!
If you have any questions about ordering, sizing, or the combo option, call Eric at 717-409-9513

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