Prevent damage in your home when you know how to shut off the water.
Prevent damage in your home when you know how to shut off the water.

CRISIS AVERTED: Knowing the location of your shut-off valves

This is an important one, folks!  Particularly if you own a seasonal home or vacation rental property.  Knowing where the shut-off valves are (especially the main water supply that comes into the house) can prevent major water damage in an emergency.  
This month's blog is full of recommendations, tips and information on how to manage the supply valves in your home.
Where in the world are your cut-off valves?

Does your home need a little TLC?

Our work introduces us to a variety of home improvement professionals who do great work!  Need a carpenter, painter, electrician, cabinet supplier or even a flooring professional? Give us a call! We're happy to make a recommendation.

Water Evaporation: The effects of humidity

When humidity is nearly 100% outside, the water in your toilet can evaporate (even with the air conditioning on).  For seasonal homes, this is a concern, because the water in a toilet bowl or drain trap in the shower can dry up, allowing sewer gases (and even some living creatures!)  to come up through the drain. If your home will be vacant for several months, consider putting plastic wrap over the seat, cap sinks and tubs, or even hire a home watch representative to come in occasionally and flush/run water down the drains.
Save water! Newer toilets are more efficient. Older models require 3-5 gallons per flush (gpf), whereas newer models only require around 1.6 gpf.  
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