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Check out the LATEST in Telemetry Technology, Now Shipping from ATS:
NEW Dual Acoustic-Radio Fish Tag
The model DART10 is available now, a combined acoustic-radio tag. The Univ. of Minn. is currently using these tags in an application involving various fish species, and their movements through a lock and dam.
An acoustic signal transducer can be added to any VHF fish model you wish, to suit your unique project.
Are Your Receivers Field Ready?
The summer off-season is a good time to send your ATS receivers in for a thorough bench check by our experienced technicians. They will check up to 49 items, depending on model, and if there is an issue, fix it. In addition, minor problems like bent handles or broken on/off switches are routinely repaired at no additional cost.
Bench checks cost between $75 and $200 each, depending on receiver model. In some cases, such as having to replace a circuit board or installing a new battery pack, additional charges will be incurred.
Go to the Repairs section of our website to learn more about our repair process, and as always, give us  a call if you have any questions.
What’s the Range on These Transmitters?
Everyone wants to find their animal, and they want to know how close they need to be before they can pick it up on frequency The answer varies; there are numerous variables, and the variables are always changing.
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