Alumni Association E-News for October 2014.
Alumni Association E-News for October 2014.

News from the Alumni Association - October 2014

Wildcat Weekend 2014: A tremendous homecoming celebration!

Thank you to all of the alumni, parents, students and friends who returned to campus for Wildcat Weekend 2014 at the end of September! Check out this video to see some of the highlights from the weekend.
Save the date for next year's Wildcat Weekend: October 2 to 4, 2015

2014-2015 Alumni Challenge Announced

The Foundation Board of Trustees has issued an unprecedented challenge for the 2014-2015 academic year. They have pledged an additional $30,000 to student scholarships if 3,000 donors make a gift to the Foundation by June 30, 2015.
To participate, visit our Alumni Challenge website.
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Upcoming Events

Happy Hour in NYC
December 2014

Happy Hour in San Antonio, TX
December 2014
Happy Hour in Washington, DC
January 2015
Utica Comets Day
February 2015
For full details regarding all of these upcoming events, visit the alumni events page.
The 'Quote for Scholarship' campaign is ongoing. Save some money while helping the Foundation receive extra support for our students.
Visit the QFS website for details.
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