Ward 22 newletter header
Welcome to 2017, a new year with great promise as we celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday.  
In the last newsletter, I asked for people who were interested in supporting our schools by serving as ward rep on the Parent Involvement Advisory Committee. I am very pleased to say that two parents had volunteered to fill this role by the deadline. After discussions with both, it was decided that Jennifer Sparks, a parent at William G. Miller P.S. will  serve as the Representative and that Christiana Shinohoritis, a parent from Sir Wilfrid Laurier C.I. will be the alternate.
If you wish to learn more about PIAC, please go to www.torontopiac.com. I am very grateful to both Jennifer and Christiana for their commitment to the community. 
Speak out against City of Toronto Childcare Budget Cuts!
As part of the City of Toronto Budget 2017, Child Services is recommending phasing out the occupancy grant for childcare centres located within Toronto schools and freezing subsidized spaces. The elimination of this important funding will have a direct impact on affordability, accessibility, and quality of childcare in Toronto.
Affordability: A recent study showed that 75 percent of families in Toronto already find licensed childcare unaffordable. With the removal of the occupancy grant, fees will increase further, making childcare even more expensive.
Accessibility: Licensed childcare is already inaccessible for many families in Toronto due to high fees and lack of availability of subsidies. There are currently over 18,000 children on the waitlist for subsidies in the City of Toronto. Increasing costs for childcare will result in spaces becoming even less accessible for many families.
Quality: An increase in operating costs will put additional administrative stress on childcares, make less money available for improving and expanding programming, while putting financial strain on families.
If you are concerned about the elimination of the City of Toronto’s childcare occupancy grant and the freeze to subsidized spaces, please share this information widely and take action!
Write to your local City Councillor and Member of Provincial Parliament to voice your concerns. Learn more.
Making the Best of Winter Weather at our Schools - Recess During Cold 
Elementary school students are kept indoors for recess and lunch times for a number of weather conditions such as rain, lightning in the area, extreme winds and extreme cold. When temperature and wind chill measure -28C or lower, students are kept indoors. Recesses and lunch hour may be shortened if the temperature and wind chill reading is between -20C and -28C.
If a student's medical condition requires further consideration due to weather conditions, or if parents have other questions or concerns about how and when weather conditions affect your child's school day, please contact the school office.  
Principals are often asked how we decide whether it's too cold to allow our students out in the schoolyard for recess.
Fresh air and exercise are important for children. It keeps them physically fit, and helps them stay alert all through the school day. Parents can help by making sure their children come to school prepared to spend time outdoors. Hats, mitts, boots and a warm jacket are important to keep students comfortable during lunch and recess.
But extreme cold can be dangerous, and parents want to know that their children will be safe. When the temperature is predicted to drop below -15C, the City of Toronto may declare a cold weather alert. Schools are very sensitive to the needs of our students and pay close attention to the weather, especially when the windchill is below -20 C.
The TDSB Severe Weather Protocol is flexible, so that every principal can make a decision that meets the needs of his or her school. It sets guidelines for when to allow students outside for recess, when to make outdoor breaks shorter, and when to keep students inside altogether.
Canadian winters can be wonderful but when the weather is cold, school staff keep one eye on the thermometer and the other on the needs of our students - a perfect balance of fun and safety.
Cancellation of Busses During Severe Weather
Severe weather conditions may require the TDSB to cancel transportation or, in extreme conditions, close schools. The decision to close schools is made by the director of education. In the event transportation is cancelled or schools are closed, the local media will be informed before the beginning of the school day. Tune in to your radio and television news stations for the latest information or visit http://www.tdsb.on.ca.
Continuing Education - Night School Credit Program
Credit courses are offered by the TDSB in 8 night school locations across the city. Classes are held on Mondays/Wednesdays or Tuesdays/Thursdays from 6:30-9:30 p.m.  Reach ahead, make up a credit or work towards your high school diploma. Registration for the winter semester begins on January 9, 2017. Classes begin the week of February 13, 2017.
Visit http://www.creditprograms.ca for more information. @TDSB_ConEd
February is Kindergarten Registration Month
At the Toronto District School Board, our elementary schools offer Full-Day Kindergarten. Our educators recognize that children come to school with diverse backgrounds and rich experiences. Our Kindergarten programs will build upon these experiences and support your child to learn, grow, and succeed. At the TDSB, we believe our youngest learners benefit from engaging in a variety of rich and authentic learning, both indoors and outdoors. Our classroom programs are designed to bring The Kindergarten Program 2016 to life by providing children opportunities to learn through play, inquiry, and exploration. Throughout the two-year Kindergarten program, classroom educators support the children in developing their sense of belonging, well-being, and problem solving skills. Throughout the day, children explore literacy, mathematics, science, physical education and the arts.
To attend Junior Kindergarten in September, children must turn four-years-old by December 31. To register for Senior Kindergarten, children must be five-years-old by December 31.
Visit the Kindergarten website at http://www.tdsb.on.ca/kindergarten to learn more about this program and how to prepare your child for school. Visit your local school during February to register.
Your child's lifelong journey of learning begins at the TDSB!
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