Help Us Give You the Best Experience Humanly Possible. If you are interested in sharing your ideas about future virtual and face to face programming and services, let us know here.
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Annual Student Awards
The Annual Student Awards Ceremony is a special event that celebrates the many outstanding students, organizations and support staff that have helped make the 2019-20 school year such a resounding success. Each year this recognition celebration is sponsored by Student Government, Student Experience and Student Activities.
All student and organizational awards, Student Affairs, and Student Government Association awards are given at the event. Some of the highlighted awards include the AVI Leadership Scholarships, Hirsch-Satrum Leadership Scholarships, Emerging Leader Program recognition, Student Government’s Awards, Presidential Mentors and most notably concludes with the YSU Pin Awards.
Click here to view this year's virtual award ceremony, and here to view the annual commemorative awards program. A full list of award winners can be found on the Student Activities website.
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Virtual Recreation Campus Recreation knows how important mental, physical, and emotional wellness is at a time like this. In order to ensure you are keeping active and practicing good self-care, whether it be biking, hiking, or completing home workouts, Campus Recreation has you covered.
Campus Recreation has been holding virtual trivia nights to test your knowledge of varying subjects. Campus Recreation's Trivia Night will be every other Thursday at 8pm on Instagram Live. Congratulations to Laurel Stone, winning the first week on the themes of sports, Harry Potter, and tv sitcoms. Congratulations to Taylor Fronk, winning the second week on the themes of Disney, Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Pixar.
Campus Recreation also held a virtual awards banquet for Club Sports. Click here to see the event!
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Congrats from a fellow graduate!I think I can speak for everyone when I quote fictional news anchor and part-time philosopher, Ron Burgundy, when I say, "Boy... that escalated quickly". It seems just like yesterday it was my first day on campus. I know what you are thinking... "Hey, newsletter... How do you know what I'm going through?" Believe it or not, the author of this piece (and ongoing editor of the newsletter) is a graduating student, too! I think I can speak on behalf of everyone in the Division of Student Experience when I say CONGRATULATIONS! I know this is not the ideal way to wrap up your YSU journey... however, this is still a major milestone in our lives. Be sure to celebrate, reflect, and look to the next major step in your life. Remember, like OK GO sang, "this too shall pass". Until then, stay healthy, stay safe, and crank up some music to celebrate your accomplishments! GO GUINS!—Alex, Ankerman, Masters of Education, Student Affairs
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The Division of Student Experience wants to continue to provide students to with a one-of-a-kind experience while attending YSU. While these are trying, unique times, we are still here for you! If you are looking to get in touch with a department or want the latest updates on programs or activities to take your mind off things, click the button below for a full listing of contact information and social media profiles.
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Also, in order to get the latest information of YSU's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, please click here.
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Read, Recreate, Reward Scholarship Recipients
Campus Recreation is excited to announce two winners of their inaugural Read. RECreate. Reward. Scholarship program this semester. Kristi Meenan and Ahmet Kapkic were the recipients of $1,000 scholarships for the upcoming year. These students stayed active in Campus Recreation throughout the year, even despite not being able to access the building or programs these last few weeks. At the end of the program, they each submitted a video discussing how they benefitted from their involvement.
Here are the videos Kristi and Ahmet submitted describing their experience.
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Distinguished Service Awards Similar to the student awards mentioned above, each year, Human Resources recognizes staff and faculty across campus for their continued excellence and commitment to student success. The Division of Student Experience had quite a few recipients this year. In order to see the winners from within the Division, and the entire list of 2020 honorees, click here.
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We need to stay connected as a community now more than ever. Join the conversation on the YSU App to connect directly with your YSU family and to access helpful resources. Download the app here.
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Campus photos, spring 2020 by YSU student Lani Ngo.
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