Fresh Perspectives on Ethical Values
Fresh Perspectives on Ethical Values

Compliance Matters

Insights from the Office of Compliance, Risk, and Ethics
May 2020

Fresh Perspectives on Ethical Values

Although this year’s Bring Your Child to Work Day event was cancelled, the Offie of Compliance, Risk, and Ethics would like to acknowledge the unique perspective children bring to the world of work. Here's a short video showcasing how kids understand fairness, honesty, and trust in the workplace.
Video: Kids on Compliance: Fairness, Honesty, and Trust

EthicsPoint Reporting Line: Here for You

While our work may look different now from anything we could have imagined three short months ago, some things remain the same. Compliance obligations are still in full effect; time marches forward on regulatory deadlines and reporting requirements. And questions about College policy arise in the course of our work. No matter how distant we are from campus or our offices, the College's confidential reporting line remains open for you to speak up about questions or concerns. 
Our confidential reporting system serves many purposes, such as providing:
  • A way to direct employee questions to the appropriate resource
  • An early warning of issues or problem areas brewing at the College
  • An opportunity to provide guidance before a poor decision is made
  • A confidential place for employees to clarify policy
  • A communications channel beyond the rumor mill
Adapted from NAVEX Global, Definitive Guide to Incident Management (2016), at p. 1.
Access the Confidential Reporting Line
Quote from Jane Addams: Action is indedd the sole medum for the expression of ethics.

Youth Protection in a Remote Working and Learning Environment

As College operations have transitioned to online platforms, it’s important to consider implications for the safety of minors. This month OCRE is encouraging staff and faculty to view youth protection from two vantage points: personal and professional.
As parents, guardians, or other adult figures concerned about the safety of children, it’s important to consider how spending increased time online may create added risk for children. As children engage more online for both school and social purposes, and as parents are busy with the distractions of working from home, adults may want to revamp their safety practices. Here is a great article that provides an overview of what parents and guardians should look for as children spend more time online.
In addition, as instructors using online platforms, such as Zoom, there are tools embedded within the platform that assist in creating safe spaces. These practices guard against bad actors entering the meeting to disrupt learning. This is applicable to all online learning, not just learning involving minors. Empower yourself to prevent such intrusions by familiarizing yourself with the security practices and tools offered by OIT.
The internet also provides wonderful resources for enriching activities. Try a few fun activities at home:
In addition, please remember the following:
  • The obligation to report suspicions of child abuse remains in effect, even in the online teaching environment. Contact the Youth Protection Coordinator if you have concerns about the safety of a minor.
  • The obligation to report sexual misconduct or discriminatory behavior remains in effect. Report any applicable behavior to the Title IX Coordinator.
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