Check out new resources and opportunities for you, Coach!
Explore 2025 National Tournament Info
Great news—the National Tournament website and Middle School National Tournament website are now live with tournament details! These pages are your hub for tournament information as we prepare for registration to open March 15. Use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate around and learn about different aspects of the event, from judging, to daily schedules, to discounts, and more! Additional details will be added as the event approaches.
Upcoming Opportunities for Live Learning
Nats25 Info Session: Are you planning to attend the National Tournament in June? Join NSDA staff and local hosts for an overview of 2025 National Tournament logistics and a Q&A session on Tuesday, February 18 at 6:00 p.m. CT. A recording will be made available on the website for those unable to attend the live session. Register »
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LD Champion Q&A: Join 2024 Lincoln-Douglas Debate national champion Calista Woo live on February 17 at 7:00 p.m. CT to learn her strategies for preparation, her approach to cross-examination, her advice for succeeding in LD, and more. Both students and coaches are welcome to attend! Register »
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Congress Champion Q&A: Join 2024 Congressional Debate (House) national champion Fadhil Lawal live on March 12 at 7:00 p.m. CT for recommendations and strategies for excelling in Congress. The recording will be sent to everyone who registers following the session. Register »
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Last Chance: Nominate Students for the SLC by Saturday, February 15
Do you have a student who wants to make speech and debate better than ever? Nominate them for the Student Leadership Council (SLC). The SLC creates resources and provides feedback throughout the year to ensure the NSDA is meeting students’ needs. This is a unique way to influence the organization’s future and an excellent addition to any student’s resume. Please nominate a student!
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The new edition of Rostrum magazine explores the theme of Paying it Forward. Inside, coaches, students, alumni, district leaders, and other community members share their strategies and experiences to help you maximize your speech and debate experience! Highlights include:
In the Coach Profile, alums-turned-coaches Reggie Chapman, Xavier Liu, Angelica Mercado-Ford, and Katy Russell share their stories and pay it forward with tips for coaches. Check out Katy's strategy for keeping alums involved after graduation:
Every year in that weird void between Christmas and New Year’s, we generally have two days of alumni practice. In the debate world, it’s a great opportunity for different voices to be involved in topic discussions—and in the speech world, it’s an awesome chance for new eyes to give ideas and fresh perspectives on pieces our coaches have seen consistently since the fall.
It keeps the alumni involved in a fun and helpful way, they build relationships with our students so they in turn feel like they are still part of the community, and I think most importantly, it teaches our current students the importance of staying involved and giving back.
This year, we had several students return who have been a part of the team in my last 10 years of coaching, but we also had two students from the early 2000s and even our 1975 team president back, helping to bridge a legacy of 50 years!
| Current Louisville team president with 1974-1975 team president at Alumni Practice.
Teaching Audience Adaptation
In lesson 12 of Start Here: Teaching Lincoln-Douglas Debate, students learn audience adaptation by practicing marketing a vacuum (or other item of your choosing) to various audiences. In groups, students draw a card with an audience (teenagers, senior citizens, etc.) and have 10 minutes to prepare a two- to four-minute commercial. At the end of the lesson, students reflect on what were the most effective arguments and why. All the units in the Start Here series are included with your NSDA membership.
Interested in shaping the topics your students will debate next season? Coaches, alumni, and students are invited to submit topic ideas for Public Forum, Lincoln-Douglas, and World Schools for consideration by the wording committees!
Learn to Leverage the Big Questions Debate Program
Watch this webinar recording hosted by Director of Competition and Events Lauren Burdt and Grants Administrator Kellie Etzel to learn more about this thought-provoking debate format.
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