Dear Evergreen Colleagues,

Spring quarter brings a wealth of events and activities to our community. These are opportunities to engage, learn, and connect, for ourselves and for our students. Let’s acknowledge the work that went into making these events happen during especially challenging times.  

Following this past Wednesday’s International Trans Day of Visibility (TDOV), First Peoples Multicultural, Trans & Queer Support Services will be hosting two upcoming events, an Unlearning Gender Workshop on Thursday, April 8, 12:00 – 1:00pm and an Unlearning Gender Community Conversation on Thursday, April 22, 12:00 – 1:00pm.

This quarter also brings a new series of Public Seminars hosted by Reimagining Community Safety, supported by the Center for Community Based Learning and Action (CCBLA), and running in concert with the Art Lecture Series. These seminars feature (1) alternatives to policing and incarceration, (2) transformative and restorative justice, and (3) the power of a liberal arts education as a countermeasure to mass incarceration.

Linked to this work is the Consortium for Innovative Environments in Learning (CIEL) conference, on Friday, April 16 – Saturday, April 17, which will include presentations by Evergreen faculty and feature a keynote address by Gilda Sheppard. See the schedule draft for more details; you can register here. The Public Seminars intersect with the ongoing Climate Justice and Resilience Speaker and Event Series, which includes Jose Gomez Farmworker Justice Day on Wednesday, April 24.

Also connected with the above events, this year’s Equity Symposium begins on Tuesday, April 13, 4:00 – 5:00pm with a keynote talk by Makita Wilber, a visual storyteller from the Swinomish and Tulalip peoples of coastal Washington. Events follow throughout that week, with multiple, concurrent sessions on the morning of Wednesday, April 14, and on the afternoon of Thursday, April 15. You can see the full schedule of events and to register for the Equity Symposium here.

The Washington Center will be hosting a three-part Curriculum Planning Retreat beginning with a panel featuring four past Washington Center directors on Thursday, April 22, 3:30 – 5:00pm. You can register here for the retreat (registration fee applies to Evergreen faculty and staff).

Finally, and, coming up right around the corner, The Learning and Teaching Commons will lead off our spring quarter conversations with “What can your commons do for you?” on Wednesday, April 7, 1:00 – 1:50pm.

Let the calendar marking begin!

Eric Stein, 2020-21 Learning and Teaching Commons Faculty Scholar 
The Learning and Teaching Commons newsletter is delivered to your inbox on the Friday of odd weeks of the quarter.  Click here to read past newsletters.


  • The Evergreen graduation ceremony faculty speaker nominations will close on April 9th. Please complete this survey to nominate up to three faculty you would like to deliver the faculty speech.
  • The Academic Deans shared resources and reminders to support faculty at the start of the quarter. For information on 2020-2021 planning, student assessment, deadlines, and more, review this recent email
  • This week the Deans also shared an email to help boost student retention at the start of the quarter. To find out more about what students are sharing regarding their struggles with registration, review this recent email.
A wooded path with ferns and sunlight.

Inclusive Teaching Tip

Every newsletter will feature an Inclusive Teaching Tip that you can add to your toolbox. Submit a tip for future newsletters.

All Learners Welcome
– It’s never to late to apply an equity lens to your syllabus

A new quarter brings a new focus on the syllabus. There has been much written on this document and its purpose. But there is no debate on the importance a syllabus plays in any learning experience. The document communicates expectations, provides a roadmap, and is a shared community text.

For this tip, I am returning to one of my favorite inclusive teaching resources - the Inclusion by Design syllabus survey. This tool, created by Carl S. Moore, Edward Brantmeir, and Andreas Brocheild will guide you to take a critical eye to your syllabus in three important areas of inclusive teaching practice. I highly recommend the entire tool, but for this tip I want to focus on the last part:

Inclusion and Subtext

The final piece of the tool encourages a critical look at the subtext of the syllabus – the hidden curriculum. This important component to creating a welcoming and inviting space for learning is the one we overlook most often. Not because we want to hide parts of our practice but rather because we, as experts and expert learners, have lost our ability to see what isn’t explicit. We’ve got a backstory for every aspect of our syllabus – and we are just too good and drawing connections to tap into how a novice learner will experience the syllabus.

So, how might we uncover implicit rules or messages? Employ the perspective of a novice. Perhaps you have a family member, a former student, or a staff colleague you can turn to. Getting honest feedback from someone who doesn’t share your back story can really help.

Or you might ask students at the end of the quarter to reflect on the syllabus after they’ve had some experience and identify what was hidden. This activity has the added benefit of helping learners “see” their own growth
For many, many more inclusive teaching resources visit
In the interest of keeping our newsletter brief, this Inclusive Teaching Tip has been truncated.  Please visit the Learning and Teaching Commons blog for access to the full-length article.


Commons Conversation Series: Spring 2021

Commons Conversations provide space and time for Evergreen faculty and staff to discuss issues of teaching and learning, share resources, and build community.

What Can Your Commons Do for You?

Facilitated by Eric Stein, Learning and Teaching Commons Faculty Scholar
The Learning and Teaching Commons will lead off our spring quarter conversations by asking “What can your commons do for you?” What resources or tools do you need to make your work easier? This session will be an open forum for discussion of current faculty and staff teaching and learning needs. You can also email the Learning and Teaching Commons at any time with ideas or suggestions.
DATE: Wednesday, April 7
TIME: 1:00 pm PDT
LOCATION: Register for Zoom link
Register Here!

Washington Center Collaborative Series: Spring 2021

During the academic year, the Washington Center Collaborative host monthly conversations that provide a space for you to engage with fellow higher education scholars, practitioners and administrators on topics relevant to our collective work supporting student success. Join the Washington Center Collaborative Slack to continue the conversation, share resources, and connect with colleagues.

Post-COVID: What will we take forward?

Facilitated by Julia Metzker, Director of the Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education Evergreen State College
This last year has been like none other. Many of us have changed the way we teach and work drastically. We are moving into a season of anniversaries, which include loss and change. For the final conversation of the year, Julia Metzker will guide you through a structured reflection process designed to articulate the learning and growth we’ve experienced over the past year. And to make commitments to carry forward new approaches and practices.
DATE: Friday, April 23
TIME: 11:00 am PDT
LOCATION: Register for Zoom link
Register Here!

Curriculum Planning Retreat

hosted by the Washington Center & the Washington Learning Communities Consortium
April 22, April 29 & May 6 | 3:30-5 PM PDT

Our virtual curriculum planning retreat is designed to support faculty building integrative learning experiences for students. The three sessions in this series are facilitated by experienced learning community professionals.  Whether you are new to integrative learning or have many years of experience with linked/paired courses, student cohorts, first-year experience programs, living-learning communities, or coordinated studies programs - this series will hold value for you! Learn more on the Washington Center website.
  • Why Learning Communities Matter & How Washington State Led the Charge 
    April 22, 3:30 - 5 pm PDT
  • Designing Integrative Assignments: Leading Students to Transformative Learning
    April 29, 3:30 - 5 pm PDT
  • Team Teaching: Planning for Meaningful Integration in the Classroom and Online
    May 6, 3:30 - 5 pm PDT 
Registration Fee: $25 for all three sessions 
Registration closes April 19
Register Here!



EdPuzzle is Now Available Through July 2021

EDpuzzle is a teaching tool used to place interactive content into pre-existing videos from a variety of sources, such as TED or YouTube, or into videos you have made. More information can be found here.   

Request a Teaching Consultation 

Do you have a teaching dilemma, issue or question? Is there an activity you are struggling to translate to remote teaching? Do you need some help designing asynchronous activities?
The Learning and Teaching Commons offers individual and small group remote teaching consultations. Consultations provide an opportunity to get direct feedback on your teaching puzzles. Click here for details.


These individuals and offices are eager to support students remotely. Keep this list handy when advising students or reach out to schedule a visit to your program or course.

Academic Statement Support

The Writing Center has developed a guide to help students write Academic Statements. Please share this resource with your students. More information can be found in this recent email

Spiritual Care Appointments 

Faculty, please let your students know that they can now schedule confidential, virtual appointments where they can explore issues related to belonging, purpose, identity, grief/loss, joy/celebration, personal and communal values, religious/spiritual discernment, and self-care. It can be a space for students to vent, be present to and process their own feelings, or learn practices that assist with grounding & centering. Students can email Chaplain Melissa Bennett directly to schedule an appointment.

Other Resources:


Art Lecture Series | 11:30am-1pm
Commons Conversations | 1-1:50pm
Faculty Meeting | 3-5pm
CAT Meetings | 1-3pm 
Agenda Committee | 3-5pm 
Equity Symposium | 9am-1pm
Curriculum Planning | 1-3pm
Reflections: Open Mic | 3-3:50pm
 Equity Symposium | 11:30am-5pm
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