Dear Southwestern community,
This has been a long and stressful year, even without the unexpected ice storm, and I thank you all for everything you have done on behalf of Southwestern University. Mercifully, with the arrival of the vaccine, it appears as though the acute stage of the COVID-19 pandemic is coming to an end and we will soon begin to experience more of the activities we enjoyed in the “before times.”
This last year, as difficult as it has been, has highlighted the best of Southwestern University. We have come together, supported one another, found innovative solutions, and most of all, demonstrated our resilience in the face of overwhelming odds. The sacrifices everyone has made to prioritize the health of the Southwestern community have paid off. Our positivity rates have remained very low, we have maintained our high educational standards, and we will end the year with a budget surplus.
Please join me in acknowledging the members of our community who have lost loved ones due to the pandemic. You have our condolences and my prayers for comfort and peace.
With the pandemic has come an economic downturn, and families have been struggling with the financial impact. The University is here to help. Students who need additional support should contact Connie Hicks, administrative and medical assistant, at to schedule an appointment with a counselor. Faculty and staff who need additional employee services or assistance should contact Cynthia Nguyen, benefits coordinator, at
Although we must maintain vigilance and follow our health protocols for a few more months, we have already begun planning for the upcoming school year. Our intention is to return to full, on-campus operations and instruction for fall 2021. We will, of course, continue to monitor CDC guidelines, COVID-19 positivity rates, and progress on vaccinations across the country and adjust our fall plans as the situation warrants.
Before we start the fall semester, I strongly urge every member of the Southwestern community to get the COVID-19 vaccination. Starting March 29, all adults in Texas will be eligible for the vaccine.
You can check the Texas Health and Human Services website for updates on vaccine availability in Texas. For members of our staff and faculty, our health insurance provider will cover the expense of your vaccination. To be exempted from the vaccine, students will have to provide a notarized “Exemption from Immunizations for Reasons of Conscience Affidavit” form from the State of Texas.
We will continue to provide updates on fall academics, athletics, student activities, and university events over the next few months. We are also determining when staff who have been working from home will return to work on campus. A number of factors will go into this decision, including vaccination rates, but we anticipate everyone returning to work on campus mid-summer. Your supervisor will notify you with specifics of your return.
Thank you for your ongoing dedication and commitment to keeping our community safe during the pandemic. I hope everyone will look back on this most challenging year with a sense of pride and gratitude for all we have overcome together.