December news from City Hall
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A Message from the City Manager
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| As the crisp, chilly weather of late fall edges towards winter and the potential for even harsher, less hospitable conditions, our sense of urgency at the City to address homelessness continues to heighten. Early last month, I declared a homeless emergency in Vancouver to help expand and expedite our response to the growth in complexity and magnitude of this crisis.
This week, staff provided City Council with the first of what will be monthly situation reports on the City’s emergency declaration. During the first 30 days of the declared emergency, we focused immediately on activities that set a strong foundation for future actions.
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Third temporary Safe Stay open, fourth on the way
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| Vancouver is building on the success of our temporary Safe Stay Community emergency shelter program with the opening of a third community on Nov. 20 and a fourth planned to open later this month. Each Safe Stay provides essential services and warm, stable shelter for our unsheltered neighbors to begin the process of exiting homelessness.
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Safe Stay Community #4 Open House Dec. 15
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| 10 a.m. to noon 4611 Main Street: Kiggins Bowl
Join us for a community open house at Vancouver's fourth Safe Stay Community. At 11:15 a.m., brief remarks will be given by Governor Jay Inslee, City officials, the Washington State Department of Transportation and non-profit operator Do Good Multnomah. All are welcome to stop by and explore the community before residents move in on Dec. 18.
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Fourth Plain for All to invest more than $25 million in central Vancouver neighborhoods
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| Last month, City Council approved the Fourth Plain for All Investment Strategy for neighborhoods surrounding Fourth Plain Boulevard between I-5 and I-205. This transformative plan outlines how we'll invest $25 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) federal funds by 2026 and additional investments proposed over the next decade to expand housing options, build economic prosperity, improve parks/public spaces, public health, transportation safety and more!
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Main Street Promise project streetscape design to fulfill promise for safety, accessibility, connectivity
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| Last week, more than 100 community members joined the Main Street Promise project team for our final open house on the future of Vancouver's historic Main Street. Thank you to all the community members who have shared feedback on draft designs over the last year. Your input has helped us land on a streetscape design for Main St. (between 5th and 15th) that is safe, connected and accessible for all users, including those who walk, bike or use a mobility device. Construction is anticipated to begin spring 2024.
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We're ready when winter weather hits, are you?
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| Wrap those water pipes, disconnect the hoses, and dig out the snow shovel! Winter is coming. Vancouver Public Works reminds everyone that the best time to prepare for freezing temperatures and severe winter weather is before they occur. Learn how to prevent frozen water pipes, sign up for garbage/recycling service alerts, and view the City's top priorities for deicing and plowing during icy weather and snowstorms on our severe weather webpage.
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'Tis the season for festive fun
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| We're lucky to call Vancouver home for the holidays! From multiple opportunities to catch those majestic Christmas Ships sailing on the Columbia River to the incredible light display at Christmas on Franklin Street – there's no shortage of free, family-friendly fun taking place this season in the Couve. And the fun won't stop after December. Our 2024 Family Valentine's Ball returns on Feb. 9 and 10. Tickets go fast, registration will open on Dec. 13. Scholarship opportunities are available!
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Don't let Esther the Elf nab your packages
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| Vancouver's mischievous Esther the Elf and her fellow opportunity criminals are on the prowl for your packages this holiday season! The Vancouver Police Department reminds you to stay alert to pesky package prowlers with these tips: - Pick up packages promptly after delivery. - If you can't, consider shipping the package to relatives or neighbors who can. - Require signature delivery or use tracking services offered by the delivery company.
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Donate toys, warm clothing to support local families
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Join us in honoring the legacy of Korey Cochran, a City employee and passionate community member who passed away from brain cancer at age 38, by spreading a little joy to those in need this holiday season! Our 9th Annual Korey's Joy Drive is still accepting donations of new, unwrapped toys and warm winter clothing items for children and adults at more than a dozen local drop-off sites across the city. Hurry! Get your donations in by Dec. 13 so our Joy Drive helpers can sort and deliver your gifts to eight local non-profits in time for the holidays.
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Community grants program coming soon
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| In Vancouver, great things happen when we come together. To help create a shared sense of belonging and strengthen the social and cultural connection of our community, we're restarting our Office of Neighborhoods Community Grants Program in 2024. Starting this January, community and neighborhood groups, student clubs, parent-teacher organizations and informal groups of residents are eligible to apply for grant funding to support projects, programs and events that help build community across Vancouver.
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Get involved in local government in 2024
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| We're growing, we're diversifying and we're becoming the waterfront city of the future. Take part in shaping Vancouver's livability, safety and more as a member of a City board or commission. We're currently seeking volunteer applicants to fill openings on seven volunteer boards or advisory groups. If your New Year's resolutions involve expanding your professional network, building leadership skills and getting more involved in local government, we encourage you to apply!
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