News and events from The University of Tulsa
3 for the 10th
Interacting with high-level federal practitioners, learning about emerging case law and developing relevant skillsets are some of the benefits College of Law students will enjoy as part of a new fellowship program.
| Experience & Evaluation
Chemistry Professor Gabriel LeBlanc has been awarded a $350,000 National Science Foundation Education Grant that supports projects that build investigators’ capacity to carry out high-quality STEM education research.
The Science of Politics
A challenge in teaching courses on U.S. politics is the fact that students want a variety of information about the election system. But for one UTulsa professor, his approach is to focus on history and context, not personalities.
| Capitalism is King
For many Americans, capitalism seems to empower a few while leaving the rest behind. Wages haven’t increased and wildlife species are disappearing. Our COMMON Foundation CEO Matthew King says it is time to evolve.
ICYMI: 5 Stories About UTulsa
The University of Tulsa | Headlines & Happenings
800 S. Tucker Drive
Tulsa, OK 74104 US
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