email : Webview : Syrian Solution Eludes U.S.
Is the Syrian conflict beyond repair?
Is the Syrian conflict beyond repair?
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May 4, 2017
Bernd Debusmann
What makes the Syrian conflict so difficult to solve is its complex mix of sectarian strife (Shia vs. Sunni Moslems), jockeying for regional dominance (Sunni Saudi Arabia and Turkey vs. Shia Iran) and big power rivalries (Russia vs. the United States).
Debbie Moose
It’s pitiful to consider that people all over the country are drinking this stuff and thinking that they are fully experiencing the joys of southern iced tea.
Philip E. Jenks
He had been out of public sight for many years, but his death at 74 years old was a reminder he was once the most famous person on earth. READ MORE »
Fred Cicetti
What kind of cane should I get? First, get a cane that fits. Let your arm hang at your side. The top of your cane should line up with your wrist. READ MORE »
Robert Butler
As would be the case 20 years later with German Jews, Turkish Armenians don’t want to face the implications of the angry marchers and window-smashing mobs spreading across the city. READ MORE »
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