Mazel Tov to our 1st Grade students who received their Siddurim this week.  They performed a play demonstrating all that they have learned this year for the whole school, their families, and friends.  They did such an amazing job!  We are so proud of them!
Addlestone would like to congratulate Ms. Brown on a VERY successful showing at the US Masters National Swim Championship. Ms. Brown placed 1st in the 50 breaststroke (and set a new record!), 1st in the 100 fly, 1st in the 200 breaststroke, 1st in the 100 breaststroke, and 2nd in the 50 fly!  She is such an amazing example of hard work and determination for our students.  Way to go Ms. Brown!
Students in our after school Kung Fu class demonstrated what they have learned this year in a showcase on Tuesday afternoon.  They performed their skills in front of family and friends and did a fantastic job.  Many thanks to Sensei Yan Agrest for teaching the class.
Parsha: Bamidbar - Candlelighting: 7:55 pm - Shabbat Ends: 8:56 pm  
Shavuot - Please be reminded that there will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, May 21st in observance of Shavuot.  School will resume on Tuesday, May 22nd.
Kindergarten Celebration - Families of Kindergarten students are invited to share in a celebration of the school year on Friday, June 1st at 2:15 pm.  Students will demonstrate what they have learned and families will be able to share in their special year as they move up to 1st Grade.
8th Grade Graduation - Join us on Tuesday, June 5th at 5:30 pm as we celebrate the accomplishments of the Class of 2019.  All students in Kindergarten through 7th Grade are required to attend and students in 1st through 7th Grade will be singing the National Anthem as part of the ceremony.  Students should arrive no later than 5:15 pm to line up with their class and should wear their best everyday uniform (navy blue polo and khaki bottom).  We look forward to sharing a special evening as our 8th Grade students officially become AHA alumni.
Addlestone STEAM Camp - K-5 campers will enjoy hands-on fun and learning through different STEAM themes each week. Campers will create, build, dance, paint, engineer, and play their way through collaborative STEAM challenges. All while laughing, learning and making new friends!
Campers will have access to a new state of the art facility with a myriad of technology available. Each day campers will have the opportunity to participate in a STEAM activity as well as outdoor play, team building activities and leadership opportunities.  To view a description of the weekly sessions and to register, please click here! 
Sponsor a Day of Learning - In Jewish practice, an important way to honor someone or to elevate one's soul is to learn on their behalf.  At Addlestone, you can sponsor a Day of Learning in honor or memory of family and friends in our community beyond.  Proceeds benefit the annual Friends of the Academy Campaign and the 8th Grade trip to Israel.  For more information on how to sponsor a Day of Learning, please click here!
NO SCHOOL - Shavuot - May 21
NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day - May 28
Kindergarten Celebration - June 1 @ 2:15 pm
8th Grade Graduation - June 5 @ 5:30 pm
NOON DISMISSAL - Last Day of School - June 6
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