The Carnegie Foundation and ACE again designated the University as an R2 “High Research Activity” institution.
Dr. Roger Newman credits the Brownson Speech and Debate Team for his success as a Medical Director and author.
With a commitment to student success, the P-PAC team welcomes Joan Brennan as the newest pre-health advisor.
| MPA students, led by Gabrielle Rossi, volunteer at Irvington’s Marketplace, hauling and organizing food donations for the local community.
The G.K. Chesterton Institute for Faith and Culture announced the gift of an original watercolor portrait of Chesterton by Greg Wyatt.
Adjunct opportunities are available across three campuses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as in the health sciences.
For the first time, Seton Hall won the Hicks Thomas LLP Moot Court National Championship with 3L students Emma Taylor and Christopher Frey. Read more.
Athletics News and Events |
Technology News and Events |
Monday, February 24: Accessibility Series - Designing for Equity
- Monday, February 24: Accessibility Series - Canvas Accessibility Checker
Monday, February 24: Creative Cloud 101 – Master the Basics (Faculty/Students)
- Tuesday, February 25: Accessibility Series - Accessible and Equitable Canvas Videos
- Tuesday, February 25: Accessibility Series - 5 Steps to More Accessible and Equitable PowerPoint Documents
Wednesday, February 26: Surveys and Data Visualization with Qualtrics (Faculty/Students)
- Wednesday, February 26: Accessibility Series - Partnering with the Library to Support Students
- Wednesday, February 26: Accessibility Series - Accessible and Equitable Teams Meetings and Videos
Wednesday, February 26: Academic Poster Presentations - Design Tips and Tricks (Faculty & Students)
Thursday, February 27: Accessibility Series - 5 Steps to More Accessible and Equitable Word Documents
- Thursday, February 27: Accessibility Series - Adobe Acrobat Accessibility Checker
- Thursday, February 27: Microsoft Teams and OneDrive (Students)
- Friday, February 28: Space154 Open Lab (Faculty)
Friday, February 28: Mastering Survey Design and Reporting in Qualtrics (Faculty)
- Friday, February 28: Space154 Open Lab (Students)
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