image of a smiling person wearing glasses in front of a white background.
Dear Evergreen Colleagues,
Welcome to the final newsletter of fall quarter. As we head into the final week of classes and evaluation conferences, I wish you all the engaging conversations about learning followed by a restorative break. And as you think about the promise of restoration, I offer two upcoming opportunities for your consideration.

Submit your Commons Faculty Scholar application by January 17th

We are actively recruiting faculty applications for the Learning and Teaching Commons Faculty Scholar Fellowship for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024. This nine-month fellowship is a half-time appointment available to all regular faculty members on a continuing contract. The Faculty Scholar is responsible for advancing the mission and principles of the Learning and Teaching Commons through collaborating on programming, conducting teaching consultations with colleagues, and advancing inclusive student learning at Evergreen through a project of their own design. If this opportunity doesn't fit into your plans for the next two academic years, please consider encouraging a colleague to apply.

What would you like to learn at the 2022 summer institutes?

Time to engage in conversations with our talented colleagues on issues of teaching and learning is a treat that is always too rare. The summer institutes are time to connect, build community, and spend a whole day (or two) thinking, planning, and dreaming about our collective work. We are already planning exciting sponsored institutes on learning experience design, supporting student mental health, equity planning, faculty leadership, and more.
When we return to campus in January, the call for community-initiated summer institutes will arrive in your inboxes through this newsletter. Is there is a teaching strategy or pedagogy you've been exploring that you'd like to share with colleagues? Or an approach to supporting students that you've found particularly useful? I encourage you to consider proposing an institute. 
Please send your ideas to us at

Thinking about evaluation?

This time of evaluation can be challenging for students and educators alike. I offer three short articles from the Inclusive Teaching series on the Learning and Teaching Commons blog that use an equity lens to explore learner-centered evaluation and feedback.
And as you are thinking about feedback and evaluation, please consider joining the Commons Seminar on January 24, Emergent Strategies for Mid-Quarter Feedback, where I have the great privilege of collaborating with Alex Mezei and Wenhong Wang to lead a conversation on the power of feedback on learning and student persistence.
In Community, 
The Learning and Teaching Commons newsletter is delivered to your inbox on the first Friday of the month during the quarter. Click here to read past newsletters.

In this issue...

Visit the Learning and Teaching Commons Calendar for events, important dates, and more.


  • Curricular Technology Support Specialist Bridget Irish shared a helpful email about creating self-signup evaluation conference appointments for students in Canvas. [email details
  • The Academic Deans shared a reminder that the College expects all faculty to use Canvas, the College's learning management system, as a primary tool for supporting student learning. [email details]
Speedy drops by the Organic Farm for the last market stand of the year on Thurs., Nov. 4, 2021.
Speedy drops by the Organic Farm for the last market stand of the year

Campus spotlight: Meet our new IESS staff

a person wearing glasses and smiling in front of a white background
Please join us in welcoming Sam Fennell, our new Trans and Queer Initiatives Coordinator. Sam has an academic background in psychology and gender studies and has recently served as a research associate for Northeastern University’s Global Resiliency Institute analyzing the effects of COVID 19 on minority communities. Sam brings a wealth of experience supporting Trans and Queer students and providing training and education to campus communities. We are very excited to have Sam join our Evergreen community!
Please feel free to reach out to Sam at to give him a warm Evergreen welcome.
a person in a gray shirt smiling against a gray background
Please also join us in welcoming Juanita Hopkins, our new Undocumented/Underserved Student Support Specialist. Juanita recently graduated from Evergreen with an emphasis in mathematics. As a first-generation student and daughter of immigrants, Juanita is passionate about helping students navigate institutional systems and connect them with the resources they need to succeed. Juanita's position seeks to serve the needs of undocumented students, immigrant students, students with DACA, and students from mixed status families. Juanita’s purpose is to help students achieve their educational and personal goals by advocating for institutional resources and fostering systems of support within and beyond the campus community.
Juanita is available by appointment to both students and to the campus community and can be reached at


2021-2022 Commons Seminar Series

Taking inspiration from this year’s common read, Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Shaping Worlds by adrienne marie brown, the 2021-2022 Commons Seminar series explores the strategies that faculty are developing and discovering to adapt their teaching practice to emerging contexts. These seminars have been integrated into the New Faculty Academy and support Evergreen’s newest faculty in their first year.

Emergent Strategies for Mid-Quarter Feedback

Facilitated by Alex Mezei, Julia Metzker and Wenhong Wang
In this conversational setting together we will explore the purpose and function of midterm evaluations for students. Questions we will consider include:
  • What kind of feedback is most useful?
  • When is the right time to provide feedback
  • What do we do when students don’t or can’t attend feedback conferences
  • What strategies can help us deliver timely and actionable feedback to students?
Participants will leave the session with a toolkit they can use to guide future planning to provide effective mid-quarter feedback to students.
Date: Monday, January 24
Time: 3:15 - 4 pm 
Location: Zoom (requires registration)
For registration details, and upcoming seminar titles and dates, visit the Commons Seminar page on our website.

Join the Washington Center’s virtual mini-workshop series

The Washington Center Collaborative hosts mini virtual workshops led by the dynamic and talented Washington Center Resource Faculty.

Where do we go from here, sacred ground or battleground?

Jen Leptien, Iowa State University
Larry Roper, Oregon State University
Sonja WiedenhauptThe Evergreen State College
Date: December 9, 2021 
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM PST 

Register for these free virtual events here.


Universal Design for Learning Canvas Module

This resource was developed for faculty interested in getting their feet wet with Universal Design. This module provides a brief overview of Universal Design for Learning, as well as helpful guidelines, tools, and resources. Check out the module here

Online Learning Consortium

Don't forget to explore the resources available to you through the Online Learning Consortium! Evergreen holds an institutional membership to the Online Learning Consortium. As a member institution, faculty have access to free webinars, and other online teaching and learning resources. Members also receive special discounts on workshops, teaching certificate programs, conferences, and events. 
To access your member benefits, create your free user account here. Be sure to use your Evergreen email to create your account. 

Request a Teaching Consultation 

Do you have a teaching dilemma, issue or question? Is there an activity you are struggling to translate to remote teaching? Do you need some help designing asynchronous activities?
The Learning and Teaching Commons offers individual and small group remote teaching consultations. Consultations provide an opportunity to get direct feedback on your teaching puzzles. Click here for details.


Looking to Connect with Students with Food, Hygiene Products, Clothing, and Other Resources?

Evergreen has a Basic Needs and Advocacy Center in the College Activities building. This center provides both quick services and long-term services. To find out more, visit this blog post

Other Student Resources:

Faculty, please share the Fall 2021 Student Services document with your programs and courses. 
These individuals and offices are eager to support students. Keep this list handy when advising students or reach out to schedule a visit to your program or course. 
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