COVID Readiness, June Observances, Summer Programming
COVID Readiness, June Observances, Summer Programming
Department researches companies’ COVID readiness; upcoming observances support equity efforts; Digest highlights summer happenings; and more
circular Jones White Writing Center sign appears in a writing center window as a student comes around the bend

Driscolls Support Writing Center

President Michael Driscoll and his wife, Becky, a former Kathleen Jones White Writing Center volunteer, made a $50,000 gift in support of the writing center and in honor of director emeritus Ben Rafoth. Their gift was part of IUP’s Imagine Unlimited campaign, which closed in February.
Safety Sciences faculty members have joined with Concurrent Technologies Corporation to examine COVID-19 readiness and response at midsize Pennsylvania companies.
Elise Glenn, chief diversity and inclusion officer, shares resources and upcoming observances that support IUP’s commitment to a just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive community.
This issue features the IUP Guides, the new head baseball coach, food resources for summer, and Center for Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement programming.
Student Assistance Fund
Help those facing financial hardship stay in school
The Penn
IUP’s student-run newspaper
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Distributed to IUP employees and students three days a week on its summer schedule, IUP Now is the official newsletter of Indiana University of Pennsylvania. It features news from across the IUP website, compiled by the Division of Marketing and Communications. Find out how to get your news and events in IUP Now.

For more information on any item in IUP Now, please contact the department that posted the original item. To report an inaccuracy, please contact the posting department as well as the IUP Now production team at Posting departments are responsible for the accuracy of items included in IUP Now.

Publication schedule: Tuesday: Achievements; Wednesday: University News, For Students and Advisors, and For Employees; Thursday: Calendar, University News, For Students and Advisors, For Employees, and Bulletin Board (employees only). Deadline: Items must be submitted via the IUP website to the Digital Team by noon, two business days before publication. Learn more about the newsletter’s publication schedule.

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