Look no further than our winning formula.
Look no further than our winning formula.
gardening tips
Looking for a surefire way to keep your Encore Azaleas in tip-top shape? Look no further than our winning formula for maintaining these binge-worthy blooms:
  1. Mix your native soil with decomposed organic material when planting.
  2. Make sure your Encore Azaleas get at least 4-6 hours of direct sun per day to promote abundant blooming!
  3. Plant in spring, fall, or winter.
  4. It is important that your azaleas receive plenty of water while their roots are developing.
  5. Prune immediately after spring blooms to stimulate growth.
Assure success for your Encore Azaleas by following these easy tips and tricks. Find the perfect Encore Azalea for your garden on our website.
Gardening Tips
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