January 3, 2018
Genesis 6:8
But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
New International Version (NIV)
               A Christmas gift of orange and blue cufflinks remind me of the Astro’s amazing victory in the World Series in 2017.   Do you ever wonder which of these amazing players will find their way to Cooperstown and the Baseball Hall of Fame?  It is hard to say, isn’t it?  Several of the young players look like they have a chance.  Time will tell.
                We may read this part of Genesis in the light of Jesus and the Hall of Fame of Faith in Hebrews 11.  The writer of Hebrews commends both Enoch and Noah for their faith.  What set their lives apart?  They both walked with God.  This is what God wanted for Adam and Eve.  After the fall, Enoch and Noah both walked with God in trust.  Still, the real story of their lives is not what they did for God but what God did for them.  Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.  Even flawed and fallible leaders like Noah were made right with God by grace through faith. 
                Reading these verses through the lens of Christ, we see that all of these heroes of the faith who walked with God leave us longing for the One who walked perfectly, sinlessly with God.  Jesus is the only One who can give us the favor, the grace we need to be made right with God.  Jesus is the famous one, the one who deserves all the renown.  The only One who never sinned is the only One who can give grace to all of us who have sinned.  Doesn’t it make us long to know him more? 
Pray with me:
Father, we thank you for your famous Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord.  Help us to live by faith in Jesus today.  Forgive our failures.  Cover us with your grace.  Help us to so live today that others want to know the famous One.  Give us grace to trust Jesus more.  In his holy and gracious name we pray.  Amen.
This year we focus our Every Day with Jesus readings on Jesus’ story. 
Let’s focus our undivided attention on Jesus and follow where he leads us. 
He will not fail.  Neither will we!
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