February 15, 2016 - Volume 3 Issue 2
Real Life Spark
...igniting the next generation of YOU!
Deb's Sparks
It's February!  I was fortunate to plan a mid-winter escape to Mexico with friends.  I left the cold, gray northeast to arrive in warm, sunny Playa del Carmen for 6 days.   It was perfect. The blizzard was the weekend before I left and the wicked cold awaited my return.  I challenged myself to try snorkeling again, and made some progress. It was an excellent break.
Wilber Consulting, LLC also celebrated its fourth anniversary on February 14th!  Yay!  I have mixed emotions about Valentines Day, but they were forever changed when I formed Wilber Consulting!  I continue to enjoy the entreprenial adventure and LOVE helping women reclaim their SPARK! And its always a good excuse to buy roses!
As we get closer to Spring (only 34 days from now), start thinking about the seeds you want to plant, nourish, grow and harvest for the rest of this year.  Have you discovered your One Word? It's never too early (or too late) to plan the garden of your life...
Wishing you peace, love and sparks of inspiration!  Deb
Igniting the Next Generation of YOU!
In 2016, this feature will focus on self-love and appreciation.  Do you remember the January Challenge?  How did it go? Did you stand in front of the mirror and say I LOVE YOU?  
As a quick reminder, here's the challenge from the January Newsletter:  This month, go stand in front of the mirror and say I LOVE YOU! Learn to appreciate each gray hair, laugh line and scar. It might be hard at first or feel weird, but go ahead and try it.  Every day.
If you didn't do this last month, try again.  I practiced several times this past month and it gets easier each time and you begin to appreciate you.  Smiling and laughing helped me!  Be gentle with yourself.  It's a process.
We have the opportunity to reinvent ourselves every day. The Real Life Spark tagline and the title of this section  Igniting the Next Generation of YOU!  embodies this concept.  
Take a few minutes to read the following short article from Darren Hardy, You 2.0
Think about You 2.0 or 3.0  Who are you evolving into? Is it time for a new version? A reinvention?
It doesn't matter how many versions, generations or reinventions we go through as long as its authentic and for our highest good!
We'll continue the conversation next month.  XOXO.
Tools You Can Use! Are you dreaming big enough?
When was the last time you made a decision or attempted to do something that scared you?  Not a fear for your life kind of scared, but something that challenged you and produced that excited, scary feeling.  
Recently, I faced my fear of snorkeling for a second time and used some interesting inspiration ... Keep reading 
Deb's Bookshelf
January's book was The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran.  Read my thoughts here:  12 Week Year.
Our book for February  is Rising Strong: The Reckoning. The Rumble. The Revolution. by Brené Brown.   Does this excerpt resonate with you?  "When we decide to own our stories and live our truth, we bring our light to the darkness."  If you have not read Brené Brown, join me in Rising Strong!  It's great!
Deb Wilber is an intuitive coach and personal transformation expert.  Her coaching practice, Real Life Spark™,  helps women  transform their lives from the inside out,  so they can live their best life now!
Looking for a cure for the Sunday Night Blues? A relationship blueprint? Grief shifting techniques? Schedule a complimentary conversation to learn more.
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Powerful You! Women's Network
Date: 2/17/2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place:  Frank's Pizza, Flanders, NJ
Topic: Authenticity
Speaker:  Deb Wilber, Discover Your SPARK!
Looking for quick, simple tips to transform your life?
Check out the
Real Life Spark
YouTube Channel
Now Available!
This handbook of wisdom reminds you that you have the power within to create the life of your dreams.
Transformation through Volunteerism! is featured in the Giving Back section and includes tips for finding your volunteer tribe.
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Click on the image to read the latest issue of 24/SEVEN
Intuition is your Relationship GPS on pg 38
 Change Your Attitude ... Change Your Life, is a weekly radio program airing Sundays at 12:30 AM on NY's WOR 710AM and iHeart Radio.  It's mission is to provide information to empower people to live happy, productive lives. Connecting the dots between mind, body, soul and spirit.
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