Industry News, May 3, 2023
Industry News, May 3, 2023
      May 3, 2023                                                                                                                                                                       Photo by Michael Hanson          

Stakeholder survey results are now available

In June 2022, Travel Oregon adopted a new 10-Year Strategic Vision. To bring this vision to life, Travel Oregon and the state’s seven Regional Destination Management Organizations (RDMOs) will develop strategic plans that respond to the emerging needs of the tourism industry.
In February 2023, we launched a stakeholder survey and asked to hear directly from those who work in or interact with Oregon’s tourism industry.
Information collected through the survey will be used to determine strategic direction, and make funding and programmatic decisions in marketing, grants, tourism-related infrastructure, visitor management and more.
Access the survey results dashboard hereStatewide and regional survey results are available below:
Statewide Report:
Regional Reports:

    Oregon Trails Fund awards $438,977 for projects 

    Travel Oregon’s Oregon Trails Fund program, developed and funded in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service, aims to bolster Oregon’s competitive advantage as a world-class outdoor recreation destination by stewarding trails and providing exceptional trail experiences for a diversity of visitors and recreation users. In April, $438,977 in Oregon Trails Funds grant awards were made to 11organizations across the state to provide capacity for trail stewardship projects, regenerative volunteer opportunities and/or trail ambassador programming in nine of Oregon’s national forests. By not only restoring and regenerating Oregon trails, but also providing in-person, on-the-ground visitor messaging around responsible recreation, the Oregon Trails Fund helps care for the special places that make Oregon…Oregon. 
    For more information about the Oregon Trails Fund and to learn more about the 11 projects that received funding, visit the Oregon Trails Fund page.

      Why Guides registration closes May 10 for 22/23 period

      Travel Oregon’s Why Guides program is an agency-wide effort to recognize and promote tourism industry operators, guides and outfitters as one of the state’s top tourism assets. This community is made up of local experts who help travelers discover unique experiences, follow destination management principles and provide land stewardship throughout the state, creating a memorable and sustainable experiences for visitors.
      Please complete the Why Guides registration form before May 10. The registration period will close for the busy summer season. The next registration cycle will be announced through the newsletter and online here.

        Attend the 2022 Oregon Visitor Profile webinar

        The webinar will feature a presentation from Destination Analysts on statewide findings and key takeaways of the latest Oregon Visitor Profile study, which was completed In collaboration with Destination Analysts, Travel Oregon, the Port of Portland and DMOs from across the state. This robust survey features data from over 15,000 Oregon visitors and provides insights on their perceptions, motivations, trip details, satisfaction, planning and demographics.
        Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain a better understanding of Oregon's visitors and how to better serve them. Register here.

          ORLA Hospitality Industry Awards seeking nominations

          Oregon’s hospitality industry is full of amazing individuals who go above and beyond, raising the bar for excellence in service, performance, and commitment to their team, organization and the industry. The ORLA Hospitality Industry Awards seek to recognize some of these outstanding individuals who truly exemplify Oregon hospitality.
          Visit to submit your nomination by June 30, 2023. Award winners will be invited to attend the ORLA Hospitality Conference, Oct. 1-2 in Ashland to receive their award.

            Virtual Commission Meeting, May 18

            The upcoming meeting will be live-streamed on Travel Oregon’s Industry YouTube channel.
            To submit a comment regarding the Draft 23-25 Strategic Plan, complete the public comment form and indicate one of the following in the dropdown: 
            • To submit written comment, select "submit public comment form." 
            • To participate in virtual testimony during the meeting, select "Request to submit a virtual comment."
            If you have any questions or comments related to the meeting proceedings or presentations, please email and indicate “May 2023 –Tourism Commission Meeting” in the subject line.
            View the meeting agenda here. 

              Celebrate National Travel & Tourism Week, May 7-13

              Established in 1983 by U.S. Travel, National Travel and Tourism Week (NTTW) is an annual tradition to celebrate the U.S. travel community and travel’s essential role in stimulating economic growth, cultivating vibrant communities, creating quality job opportunities, inspiring new businesses and elevating the quality of life for Americans every day.
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